Saturday, July 05, 2008

Let's the Dinosparkle Continue....

Hey pallies, some dude tagged Dennis shared this great Dinovid over at wordpress and likes I just gotta pass it on to all my Dinoholic pallies....our Dino with Miss Kate and all doin' a great set of Dinoamericana Dinotunes...loves it so very much...and helps to keep Dinosparkleday Dinocontinuin'.... Dinodevotedly, DMP


  1. No better way to celebrate our country's birthday than with our great men crooning some patriotic tunes. Makes me even more prouder to be an American. Cheers to Dino! Cheers to the USA!

  2. Hey pallie Keith, like such Dinotruths you always better way to celebrate our freedom then through Dinofreedom...glads you loves our great man and our country...
