Friday, July 04, 2008

Happy Dinosparkleday..."I Take A Lot Of Pride In What I Am"

Hey pallies, a dude tagged Jason at his blog speaks of how this Dinosong, "I Take A Lot Of Pride In What I Am," speaks so well of decided on this Dinosparkleday of the 4th to shares this Dinovid with y'all....after all no one has more right to take pride in 'emself then our Dino and certainly no one lives their live more freely and fully then our great man.... Dinodevotedly, DMP


  1. I always loved this song. It's a great song full of words of wisdom. Nobody has more reason to be proud of what they are than our Dino. I think he guides us to have more self confidence in ourselves. We should all take pride in who and what we are. That's the Dino way of living life.

  2. Hey pallie Keith, thanks for the Dinopatter my Dinobro...a great song from our great man...indeed our Dino certainly does guide each of his pallies to have more self confidence in our Dinoselves...we ain't nothin' without our Dino....
