Saturday, June 07, 2008

Happy Birthday To Dino!!!

Hey pallies, here we are at "The Day That Coolness Came To Earth." Our great pallie Keith did a cool Dinopost at his myspace blog in honor of our Dino includin' this cool Dinotrib Dinovid featurin' "Welcome To My World." The only world that true Dinoholic wish to live in is our Dino's... So enjoys this Dinovid and if you wanna read pallie Keith's great Dinotrib, just click on the tag of this Dinopost...


  1. Thanks pallie DMP. I appreciate that. So true. The only way that any true Dino pallie would want to live in is the Dinoworld. Hope you have a wonderful Dinobirthday. I know I did. I got a chance to eat some Italian, drink some vino, listen to some Dino tunes, and watch two Matt Helm spy flicks. Cheers!

  2. Hey pallie Keith, I thought since you had done such a great Dinojob of honorin' our Dino I woulda send pallies over to your myspace blog to share in your Dinocelebration..glad you had such a cool day of rememberin' The Day That Coolness Came To Earth."

  3. hey pallie jack, like thanks so much for droppin' by the ol' Dinoblog...yeah nobody like our Dino...the golden voice of the golden man...

  4. Wonderful!

    I couldn't visit here on June 7 because a tree fell on my house on June 4 and took out my telephone line and Internet connection. I'm just now getting back to making blog rounds.

    But on that special day, I gave my personally-autographed Dean Martin photo special gazing time. My personally addressed and autographed photo of The Great Dino is black and white, dates from about 1968, and has a special and prominent place in my piano room.

    June 7 has another meaning for me: on that date in 1972, Mr. AOW and I became engaged!

  5. Hey pallie AOW, thanks for droppin' sorry 'bout the tree on the house...glad you had your own little Dinotrib on "The Day That Coolness Came To Earth." You musta be so Dinothrilled to own that picture of our great man..and how nice that June 7 is a day of amore for you as that's Dinomagic...

  6. Hey thanks for the great clip of the king of entertainers and the king of cool - Dean Martin.

    Glenn Bishop

  7. Hey pallie Glenn, y'know what pallie, you and our Dino have somethin' in both works magic...thanks for stoppin' by the ol' Dinoblog and keep diggin' our Dino...
