Monday, June 16, 2008

Dean Martin "An American Buddha" Characteristic Number 3: Staying In Perfect Knowledge

Hey pallies, been quite a Dinofew since I posted Dinocharacteristic #2 how our Dino is an American is numero 3...staying in perfect knowledge....

dean martin peters wrote:
Hey pallie Keith, you are quite Dinoenlightened by your great Dino-observation on how our Dino is perfectly self-enlightened. Many great Dinothoughts here....but of particular Dinonote is that "Dino didn't have to have a mentor." Why Dino is like the buddha and we are not is 'cause Dino didn't need a teacher, but he has become our teacher. We try to listen to his amazin' Dinowisdom and perfect Dinoinsights to follow in his Dinopath. Let's move on to the 3rd Characteristic of the Buddha...... stays in perfect knowledge. Well pallie Keith, like who among us has lived as consistent of a life of cool, hip, and randy as our Dino. One thing for sure when listenin' to and watchin' or Dino is his amazin' ablity to be consistently cool at all times and all situations. Dino stayed cool in everything he did....from playin' recordin' a smokin' his smoke. 'Cause of Dino has perfect knowledge of himself at all times and who he was....Dino effortlessly was always his own man. Because of his amazin' ability to "stay in perfect knowledge" we can always, always turn to him for the coolest direction in livin' life to the fullest. Dino is such a steady kind of guy in the coolest sort of way....and why can he do this....'cause he more then any other human who has ever walked the earth.....truly knows himself perfectly. And, I think that is the source of his Dinoselflove. And, now your Dinoinsights great pallie Keith? Dinoexpoundini, DMP

Hey pallie DMP,

Exactly. Dino didn't didn't need a mentor or a teacher. He knew this in his very heart and soul. It was in every fiber of his being. We do though. That's why it's important we listen to the wise words that come from the mouth of our Dino, the wisest philosopher there ever was.

Ok. Here goes about the 3rd Buddhist characteristic of staying in perfect knowledge. Yes, Dino lived a consistent life. He was always cool, hip, and randy. He was that even under pressure. Dino didn't get all steamed up and loose his cool. Dino was able to let things roll right off of him and still be the carefree spirit he was. He was always the Master of Hip, the King of Cool, no matter what it was he did. It didn't matter if it was recording a song, performing his stage act, makin' a movie, wooing the ladies, playin' golft, etc. Dino was always so cool whatever he did. He made it look so easy. That's because he had perfect knowledge. He knew who he was and what he was about. He didn't have doubts. He knew that he was Dino. He could do anything he wanted. He had that self confidence and self esteem to go out and make his dreams come true. He understand himself perfectly. That helped him achieve all these great wonders. Now he wants to share that with us. He wants to share those miracles with us.

Keep Dinoswingin,

dean martin peters wrote:
Hey pallie Keith, you are quite Dinoenlightened by your great Dino-observation on how our Dino is perfectly self-enlightened. Many great Dinothoughts here....but of particular Dinonote is that "Dino didn't have to have a mentor." Why Dino is like the buddha and we are not is 'cause Dino didn't need a teacher, but he has become our teacher. We try to listen to his amazin' Dinowisdom and perfect Dinoinsights to follow in his Dinopath. Let's move on to the 3rd Characteristic of the Buddha...... stays in perfect knowledge. Well pallie Keith, like who among us has lived as consistent of a life of cool, hip, and randy as our Dino. One thing for sure when listenin' to and watchin' or Dino is his amazin' ablity to be consistently cool at all times and all situations. Dino stayed cool in everything he did....from playin' recordin' a smokin' his smoke. 'Cause of Dino has perfect knowledge of himself at all times and who he was....Dino effortlessly was always his own man. Because of his amazin' ability to "stay in perfect knowledge" we can always, always turn to him for the coolest direction in livin' life to the fullest. Dino is such a steady kind of guy in the coolest sort of way....and why can he do this....'cause he more then any other human who has ever walked the earth.....truly knows himself perfectly. And, I think that is the source of his Dinoselflove. And, now your Dinoinsights great pallie Keith? Dinoexpoundini, DMP


  1. Our Dino's definitely self enlightened. While he had others he looked up to (we know how much he liked Bing), he didn't need a mentor. He didn't have to have someone guide him to the way. Our Dino knew the way. It's a cool, hip, and randy way. Our Dino knew who he was and what he was about. He had self confidence. He just shrugged off the criticisms of others. He was comfortable in his skin. He lived his life on his own terms because he understood what life was about and how he planned to live it.

  2. Hey pallie Keith, thanks dude...and our Dino had no probs stayin' in perfect knowledge 'cause no one knows themself better then our Dino and no one values themself more then our Dino....Dino is IT......
