Saturday, May 10, 2008

Dean Martin Jammin'

Hey pallies, here's 'nother Dinopix that I recently came 'cross....our Dino is not in his pjs, but he is certainly jammin' have to wonder if Dino's boypallie Dino Jr. gave his daddy-o any lessons on the guitar? To see the Dinopix in it's original blog settin' just click on the tagg of this Dinogram

Speakin' of Dino Jr., here's a great little clip of Dino Jr. with his group, Dino, Desi, and Billy" jammin' on a 1965 TV show....even at a tender age Dino's boypallie is followin' his daddy-o's cool footsteps...enjoy....


  1. I love that Dinopix. We do know that Dino Jr. could play the guitar quite well. I do wonder if he showed his daddy-o a few things on the guitar. Quite video. I love watching DDB perform. They did have some catchy tunes. Cheers!

  2. Hey pallie Keith, glad you loves it dude and glad you loves the DDB cool to see Dino's boypallie followin' in his amazin' daddy-o's footsteps...
