Friday, May 09, 2008

Dean Martin: "An American Buddha" Characteristic Number 1: A Worthy One

Hey pallies, continuin' our Dino and the Buddha comparison, here is what pallie Keith and I wrote to each other on Buddha characteristic numero uno....."A Worthy One." Will be Dinodelighted to hear your Dinothoughts in the Dinocomment section.

Hey pallie Keith, you are most welcome and I am already Dinorelatin' to most of these Buddha characteristics. But, let's take them one at a Dinotime beginnin' with "a worthy one." We have often spoke at ilovedinomartin of our Dino bein' worthy. Dino is worthy of our time, energy, and devotion just 'cause he is Dino, the King of Cool, our Master of Hip. Dino is worthy of our emulation 'cause he is the standard of cool that we desire to be totally like. Some thoughts from you pallie Keith 'bout our Dino bein' the "worthy one?" Dinoemulatin' , DMP

Hey pallie DMP,

Yeah, I like the idea of taking them one at a time. Discussing how this relates to Dino. I like your insights. I agree with how you put it. Here goes. Here are my thoughts.

A Worthy One.

Is there any reference that more fits our Dino? Not many. Dino is The worthy one. There is no human being more worthy than Dino. Dino is after all the Master of Hip, the King of Cool. He is the height of hipness and coolness. He is worthy of our adoration, our devotion, our respect, our homage, our love, and so much more. He is the prime example, the role model, for living a swingin' life. He shows us how to live life to the fullest, not to just pass each day the same as the last. He shows us what a worthy life should be like. We should be happy with life and love livin' it. Dino did that. He is worthy because he shows us what a good life could be like. He showed us how to drink, how to smoke, how to flirt with the ladies, how to dress, how to tell a joke, and so much more. Dino is worthy because he showed us the Dinoworld. He showed us what paradise could be.

Make any sense at all? I hope so.

Keep Dinoswingin,


  1. I really enjoyed what we both wrote. It's nice to be able to go back and read this. Our Dino is definitely the worthy one. He's the one worthy of our respect, admiration, and tribute. He more than anyone else shows us how to live life to the fullest. I want to live my life the Dino way. He alone is worthy to be called the King of Cool, the Master of Hip, and the Ruler of Randy.

  2. Hey pallie Keith, I loves the Dinopassion that you show when you speak 'bout our great man...and you certainly won't get any Dinoarguments from this dude 'bout your Dinoperspective.
