Friday, July 20, 2007

Dean Martin: I'm Not The Marrying Kind"

Hey pallies, here's that charmin' Dinosong that our King of Cool sang in the great Matt Helm caper "Murder's Row."


  1. Thanks for sharing this. It's awesome. I love this song. Of course, it was in my favorite Matt Helm spy caper. Dino definitely looks like he's having fun singing this tune. Honestly his sentiments in this song are pretty much how I feel.

  2. Hey pallie Keith, so glad you like the song. Dino always is so free to be his cool, hip, and randy self and he certainly is in this great clip from the Dinoshow. Sometimes wonder why our Dino ever did marry, but perhaps he wanted some boy and girl pallies to carry on the Dinolegacy.

  3. Yeah, I figure Dino probably got married mostly for having children. He definitely did seem like he was too much of a free spirit to be settled down with one woman.

  4. Hey pallie Keith, thanks for droppin' by again and leavin' a few more Dinothoughts. Never have read much 'bout why Dino married who he did, or why he married at all. Know that our Dino was able to fall head over heels for a chick...would be interestin' to read comparisons of the three sucessful ladies who got Dino to tie the knot.

  5. Great memories! I remember when Dean performed this number on his show all those years ago.

    Actually, our Dino WAS the marrying kind. And he married for love. When he met Jeannie, he fell head over heels for her. The same with first and third marriages.

    I think that Jerry's book tells that tale. Great book, BTW. I recommend it. The title is Dean and Me: A Love Story. Every Dino fan should read it. It's also available on audio, I think.

  6. Hey pallie AOW, thanks for droppin' by and sharin' a woman's point of view on this Dinosubject.....of course Dino fell for so many young things, but could only marry a few.
