Friday, July 20, 2007

Dean Martin Dinoproofs

tom's a little pissed, originally uploaded by PortugePunk.

Hey pallies, this looks like proofs for the Dinotrib....Dean Martin: Forever Cool......they may reject the proofs for their poor quality, but they will never reject our Dino.....truly Dinoperfect in every Dinoway!!!! So lookin' forward to the August 14 release of this great new Dinoproject!


  1. Cool pics of Dino. Yeah, Dino would never be rejected. He's the King of Cool after all. He is definitely Forever Cool. Like I've said many times, cool never dies. I can't wait for this album to come out.

  2. Hey pallie Keith, thanks for droppin' by. I was so surprised to find this at flickr....just 'nother little teaser for all of us Dinoholics who can't wait for August 14 to arrive for the newest of new Dinofixes!!!!
