Sunday, September 22, 2024

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "The Things We Did Last Summer"

 Well well well...Here we are...once 'gain, my friends...kickin' off a NEW & 'CITIN' Autumny season! 

Man! Time TRULY does fly! 

We biddin' a due to 'nother BEA U TI & sunny Summer & lookin' ahead to an equally BEA U TI FUL...cooler & calmer Fall! 

Yes, we will have plenty of chilly breezes & quickly movin' towards shorter days. But guess what, pallies o' mine...It's all good to me! It's a GLORIOUS time o' year! 

But, just the same, mi amici...hope youse JAM-PACKED these last few months with ALL THINS' Summertime-DINO! I'm sure youse did. We're Dino-holics...that's what we do! Haha!! 

So, it looks like It's time for your ol' pal, Danny G., to trade in the pool swimmin' & sun-bakin' for apple pickin' & leaf-rakin'! Hahaha!!! I'm ready though, pallies! I stored as much Summery memories as I possiblly could...Stockpiled my cupboards with crushed tomatoes & vino...& most importantly...I created a SWINGIN' little "go-to" section in my brain that is COM PLETE LY STUFFED with Hot & Sunny Dino-vibes! 

Yup...Dino-tunes & cookouts... Dino-tunes & fireworks... Dino-tunes & walks on the beach...O...did I mention the Dino-tunes? Yea...I did. Haha!! 

Well, mi amici...seems pretty obvious to me & my fellow Dino-holic, Danny G's daughter, Stella G.,...that there's only ONE very special croon that can keep ALL these very special & sunny memories simmerin' on low...'til next year. "The Things We Did Last Summer". 

It will be that "life-line" we can reach for when thins' get a wee bit too tough to bare! When the chilly weather seems to be hangin' 'round just a little too long...when we find ourselves longin' for a sunny day & a yummy drink in the shade! 

Yea, pals...we'll be just fine. 

Just keep those hot Summer days in mind...& Dean is NEVER too far behind! 

Greetins' Fall! 


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