Sunday, December 17, 2023

Danny G's SPECIAL Dino-Winter Month Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Silver Bells"

 Welcome back, ol' pals o mine! 

Man...just cants believe nother' Winter & 'nother Christmas is just 'bout here, again!

Seems so far away, then all of a it is. No matter how much you prepare for it...still seems to catch you off guard. Haha!! 

Get's me every time! 

That's OK, We got this! 

'Nother important day is comin' up, also. Dino-Departure Day. It crept up too, pals. 'Nother year since we lost our main dude, Dino.  

That's a tough one to say, pals. 

Truly hurts me. But...what makes thins' a little bit easier on my bein' part of this GREAT GREAT blog...'specially today. Gives me a chance to share a little piece of myself & my thoughts 'bout this fella, Dean Martin. Dino Paul Crocetti. 

What he's meant to me throughout my life. 

Now, even though we may feel a little sad on Dino-departure Day...and although we is reminded 'bout what we've  lost...we MUST also think 'bout what we still have! Life is GOOD! Dino keeps it that way! Enjoy it! We will spread good will to others & share positive thoughts. Let's not sulk & be blue. Let's celebrate!  

Let's 'member all the good stuff that made Dino...Dino!  Fun...Happy...Foolish...& OH SO SO VERY Cool! Haha!! 

To be thought 'bout...every once in awhile...Swoonin' & Croonin'...makin' people smile! Yup...THAT'S how I'm guessin' he would dig thins' the most!   

What a great great time of year to REALLY get in touch with your inner Dino, too, my friends! Just soak in his vibe & spread it all 'round! 

I'm so so thrilled be able to play one of the Ab So Lute BESTEST of the BEST Christmassy tunes... by the Ab So Lute BESTEST of the BEST Christmas crooners! 

The song I've chosen, for today's Sunday Serenade is "Silver Bells". 

To me, it seems to capture the "Christmassy" essence, the most. "City sidewalks, busy sidewalks...dressed in holiday style. In the air there's a feelin' of Christmas". Yup...this jam REALLY sums up this VERY special time of year. 

So, mi amici...let's celebrate. Let's be merry & have a drink for Dino! He was the very best...& will NEVER fade away. 

Here's to you, pallie...Salute! 

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