Sunday, November 05, 2023

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Ol' Man River"

 Welcome back, pallies! 

Whataya' say? 

Is it just me...or are the holidays...once 'gain...bein' thrown at us & rushed by?! 

Just got my Halloween stuff put away...Not even a week into November...& I is ALREADY gettin' the feelin' that "Christmas stress" is in the air! Man! 

Can't we just chill out a wee bit?! 

Take time to soak in these BEA U TI FUL Fall days. 

Actually enjoy the different seasons! 

Be a little more like our pal, Dino, & pull thins' in a notch! 

We...sometimes...forget to appreciate life, pals!!! 

Man o man...I better calm down here, mi amici! I'm gettin' all worked up! Haha!! 

Well, pallies...we know better, don't we? DEFINATELY! Dean is the perfecto example of how to live a SWEET SWEET & COOL COOL life! Just try to follow his lead...& life will flow smoothly. I hope! Hahaha!!!

OK, pallies...'nough ramblin'. Let's get jammin'! 

Today's Serenade will AB SO LUTE LY get youse in a SWINGIN' mood, my friends! Brush ANY pre-holiday stress away & "re-boot" our FRANTIC minds! Guaranteed! 

"Old Man River" is one of my "go to" vids. SO SO much fun, Dean has with this one! Typically a powerful, yet mournful type jam...Dean puts his spin & "Dino magic" on it & BAM!!! It swings!!! Ha! 

Let's not stress out this year, pallies o mine! 

Just throw on some Dino & take a deep breath...Hold it...& exhale. Ahhhhhhh. 'Member, good! 


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