Sunday, October 15, 2023

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: " A Real Live Girl"

 Good eve'nin', boys & ghouls! 

Velcome to this veek's SPOOKY Sunday Serenade with Dino! Ahhhhh Hahahaha!!!! 

Did I sound creepy, pals? 

Did youse feel that evil laugh? 

Did youse catch the Count Dracula accent?! Hahaha!!! 

Just tryin' to set the stage here, pallies. After all, mi amici...Halloween is gettin' EERILY close & the vibe is in the air now. Vampires, Werewolves & all the creatures of the night are gettin' ready to get down at the closest Monstery Bash! Haha!! 

Now, my little Dino-diggin' grave diggers...speakin' of thins' that go bump in the night...Every year I cants' help but picturin' our main man dressin' up as the creepy Count himself! Yes, pals! He's definitely gots the right look for it. Tall, Dark & Devilishly handsome. Definitely gots the suave coolness for it. And  AB SO LUTE LY would have NO problemo pickin' up vampy-type chicks for his vampy-type brides! Hahaha!!! 

So...let's picture this. 

Count Dino is layin' 'round his castle. Bored. Lonely. Wantin' for some company of the female type. Yea, sure...he's got his un-dead ladies of the night. But their so lame these days. "Mezza morta!"..."Half dead!" Ha! What our Cool Cool Count is cravin' some action! Some hot blood pumpin' through some feisty chicalinas veins! 

Thinks it's 'bout time our pal gets' himself "A Real Live Girl"! Haha!! 

Lovin' this Serenade , my friends! It even has that "old school" CREEPY, vinyl sound to it. 

So sit back, pals. 

We're gettin' close to Tricks n' Treats. Haha....spoooooky! 


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