Sunday, August 27, 2023

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Fools Rush In"

 Welcome back mi amici! 

Nice of youse to stop by. 

Well, here we are, pallies...the tail end of August. Man o man...where do the days go?! Even months fly by like weeks! 

Hey, pals...if I gots to be honest though...Summer is hot & fun & I really dig the beach goin'...BUT...I'm kinda anticipatin' the Fall season! As youse all know...I AB SO LUTE LY love that "spooky" vibe in the air! Haha! We'll gets more into that stuff soon. 

Hey pallies...I'm not sure if the end of the month is bringin' some swingin' & singin' at some jammin' cook outs or movin' boxes into some college dorm room. Either way, pals...I know thins' might get a wee bit hectic. I'm bettin' we could ALL use a little serenity.  

For today's Serenade, thinks' I'm gonna ask our BESTEST pal, Dean, to start windin' this Summery season down with some COOL COOL & VERY laid back croonin'. "Fools Rush In' should set the Dino-mood so so PER FEC TO! 

Real mellow & calmin', pals. 

What I love 'bout this particular jam is it's tellin' of throwin' it all against the be with a very special someone. Sensible or not...right or wrong. Now THAT's passion! Haha!! Man o' man, pallies...I better chill out, here! This is supposed to relax me! Haha!! 

Now, this tune has been sung many many times by many many singers, pallies. But...NO ONE & I mean NO ONE can turn it into PURE PURE tranquility likes our pal! 

So...when the grills have burned out...& everythin' is cleaned up & put away...find yourselves some "alone" time. 

Just youse & Dean. 

Pour up a little vino & soak it all in. 


Enjoy pals.

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