Sunday, July 16, 2023

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Marina"

 What's up, pallies...what's shakin'? 

How's July doin' for youse? Good? Great, maybe? Cool! Me too! 

Cants' get me 'nough of these HOT HOT Summertime days! 

The only thin' I is missin'...And I means the ONLY thin' some Fun Fun & Sexy cool Matt Helm flicks! I haven't come 'cross any, this whole swingin' season! What gives?! 

Now, pals...your probably gonna ask..."Danny G...don't youse own "The Matt Helm Lounge" dvd's?!" And I is gonna answer..."OB VI OUIS LY, pallies!"'s the thin', mi amici. It's just SO SO much more thrillin'...& excitin'...& hysterically zany...when ALL us Dino-holics can watch together! 

Yea, I know, I know... kinda silly of me. But, my's the plain truth! I'm as happy & comforted,  knowin' that all youse,  gets to watch these GREAT GREAT & Maniacal Helmer-flicks,  as I is watchin' them myself! Youse dig, pals? I love to share Dino! It's how it should be! Right?! Definitely. 

So...All that bein' said...I thinks I have a solution. For this week's swingin' Summertime Serenade... I not only picked Dean's TOTALLY hip pool party type jam, "Marina"...I also found it set to my FAVE of FAVE Helm flicks, The Silencers" for a vid! 


The gods have come together to create this one, pallies! 

Marina + Silencers = TOTAL SUMMERTIME FUN!!! 

Dino is lookin' GREAT & bein' funny & silly as ever in this! Haha!! Just his facial expressions alone get me rollin'! LOL!!! 

Our pal & Ms. Stella Stevens play off each other to perfection...& not to mention the HOT couple Dean & Ms. Daliah Lavi make! Man o' man!!!

So just sit back...relax...drink in hand & toes in some sand. It's time to pick this season up a notch! 

Ciao, pals! 


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