Sunday, June 11, 2023

Danny G's SPECIAL "The Month Coolness Came to Earth" Sunday Serenade with Dino: "I Love You, For Sentimental Reasons"

 Welcome back, mi amici & welcome to week two of "The Month Coolness Came to Earth!" 

So, pallies, how's June treatin' youse so far? 

Pretty damn well here in ol' Massachusetts! 

Mornins' & evenins' a little chilly, but I cants complain a bit, my friends. The days are BEA U TI FUL! Amen to that! 

So as Spring is slowly slippin' through my fingers...I just gots to thinkin' 'bout what the Summer will hold. Plenty of hot & humid days for sure. Some beachin' & poolin', obviously. But what else? Knowin' myself...not too much! Haha!! Nah. I'm more of a chill out kinda fella. 

Probably the way our bestest pal, Dino was. 

We all read how he was more than happy just relaxin' on a golf course or watchin' TV at home. Yup, that was Dean...& that is me. 

I know...I know...I'm always lookin' for any & every little similarity 'tween Dino & myself. Haha!! But, hey! Why not?! Who better to compare to & model after? Am I right, pallies? DEFINATELY. 

And guess what else? When I'm chillin' & doin' ab so lute ly nothin'...I'm actually...usually...thinkin' 'bout this crazy life. Yea, that's me too. 

Well, pals...just so happens...that as i'm ponderin' those days & years gone by...Dean seems to be in just 'bout every thought. The background music to my life. The people I've known. The places I've gone. They all seem to somehow have Dino attached. 

What can I say, my friends? He's my main man! Haha!! 

He's my pal & my inspiration. 

A connectin' energy that links it ALL together. 

Today's Serenade..."I Love You, For Sentimental Reasons" one of those Dino-jams that goes through my thoughts all the time. Perfect background to my memories & PERFECTO to take me back to those GREAT GREAT easy goin' days. 

Let's check it out & see where it brings youse, mi amici. 

Maybe back to yesterday...Maybe takes you on a new journey forward! 

Either way, pallies...It's GREAT havin' Dino walkin' along with you! 


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