Sunday, April 09, 2023

Danny G's SPECIAL Easter Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Good Morning Life"

 Happy Easter, pals o' mine! Buona Pasqua! 

Man o' man...What an AB SO LUTE LY WON DER FUL time of year it is!!! 

This is it, my friends! The day I wait for all year. 

As I ALWAYS's a chance to begin again! A time of resolution! Yet 'nother opportunity to let even MORE Dino into out lives! Haha!! 

With every Spring & every Easter...I tries my the absorb the MOSTEST amounts of our pal, humanly possible! He DEF I NATE LY makes my day & DEF I NATE LY puts a cool cool accent on such an AWESOME holiday!!! 

Youse can't help but feel so so happy on a day like this, pallies! 

So, my Dino-diggin' paisani... PLEASE...listen to the message that Dean is spreadin' in this week's Serenade, "Good Morning Life". It's not only 'bout fallin' for a beautiful chicalina. Nope. The message goes much deeper, my friends! Wake up EVERYDAY & count your blessins'! Today is a new start! Don't take it for granted, pals!  NEVER drag yesterday's problems with youse & NEVER worry 'bout tomorrow! 

As Dino's BESTEST pal, Ol' Frankie, says..."Ridin' high in April, Shot down in May...Back on top in June...That's life!" so true. Thins' will ALWAYS work themselves out. Somehow. 

Teachins' I need to remind myself, as well, mi amici. 

Well pals...I hope ALL my friends at our humble lil' blog get uplifted with today's croonin'! 

Have a Great Great & Cool Cool Easter, my friends...& ALWAYS 'member to keeps the DINO & life's vino flowin'!!! 


P.S. Happy Easter, DMP...wherever youse are. 

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