Sunday, February 26, 2023

Danny G's SPECIAL Dino-Amore Month Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Senza Fine"

 Well we is! Windin' down 'nother Dino-Amore Month & gettin' through these cold wintery days. 

I know...I know. It's a little bittersweet. 

But fear not ol' pals o mine...Dino will keep the torch of LOVE burnin'! Not to mention...ONLY 22 DAYS 'TIL SPRING!!! 

So, ol' pals o' mine... here I am...ponderin'...exactly which COOL COOL croon to cap off the month's FUN, PASSIONATE & SEXY Serenades with! Man o man...what a dilemma!!! Haha!! 

OK...I thinks I have a perfecto tune, that can send Dino-Amore Month off with a bang..."Senza Fine"..."Never Ending". Dosen't get ANY more romantico than this, pals! 

L.O.V.E. Italiano style! 

Dean's tellin' some lucky chicalina EX ACT LY how he feels & the LOVE VIBE is DEF I NATE LY drippin' off every word.  

"The sunlit days, the moonlit nights...the sea , the sand, the starry heights...are yours & mine forever more. All we are & all we know is love & love alone so. We'll go floating far above in never-ending timeless love." OMG! That's some PASSIONATE stuff mi amici!!! Hahaha!!! Man! 

I could go on & on with these juicy lyrics all day, pals! But, I thinks I'll let Dino take it from here.  

Quick...turn your speakers WAY up! The whole world GOTTA hear this one!!! 

OK, my friends...let's pull it down a notch. Nice & chilled out. Take this one real easy like. As we slip outta Dino-Amore month & into March...let's do it with Dino's peaceful vibe. 

Likes I said...Spring is right 'round the corner. And with Spring...just like with Dean...LOVE is in the air! 

It's been my pleasure sharin' all these EXTRA special Dino-tunes, pals! Can hardly wait 'til next year! Haha!! 

See youse next week, mi amici! 

Youse should send this one out to that VERY special I am, pals. 

And 'member to always keep the love in the air & always ALWAYS keep the Dino & the vino flowin'! 


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