Sunday, January 01, 2023

Danny G's SPECIAL Happy Dino-Year Sunday Serenade with Dino: "It Won't Cool Off"

 Parrrr-tayyy!!! Happy Dino-Year 2023!!! Haha!! 

Man o man...what a whirlwind it's been, pals!!! 

Seems like every week for the past month & a half have been SPECIAL for some reason or ‘nother! Whether it’s been a Great Great day of givin’ Dino-thanks…a WONDERFUL month of Dino-Winterin’,  a SOMBER day of Dino-Departure…or the EXCITIN’ beginin’ of a new Dino-year! It’s been a fun fun ride! Hectic too! 

I'm not even sure what DAY it is...never mind the year! Hahaha!!! 

Thins' have been so so crazy durin' these last couple Mondays seem like Fridays & Wednesdays are like Saturdays!!! Man! Hopes I'm not writin' Danny G's THURSDAY Serenade with Dino!!! Haha!! Not that that would be a bad thin', either! Matter o' fact...might be a GREAT idea!!! Haha!!! 

Anyway...we made it! Dino lead us through the thick & thin of 2022. Some good...some not so great. But guess what, mi amici! It's time to start fresh!!! friends...I'm POS I TIVE Dino will help swing us into the BEST year yet! 

Now pals...I hope youse opened up your doors last the stroke of midnight...& let the old year out...& the new year in! If not...go do it right now! Todays the day we start our bestest & coolest life! Enjoy & appreciate it, my friends! 

Ok, my little New Years Dino-babies...let's get the very first Sunday Serenade of 2023 spinnin'! What do youse say we kick off the new year...with a little somethin', smooth & relaxin', from the "Winter Romance" al b um? I'm thinkin' with this crazy 50-60 degree "Spring-like" weather we is havin'..."It Won't Cool Off" is PERFECTO to ease us into a new well as a COOL COOL NEW YEAR! 

Well, mi amici...let's try to 'member to leave our old worries at the door...leave them in the past...And enjoy life from today goin’ forward! 

It's a new year! 

A new start! 

Dean spreads that same vibe to me now & EVERYDAY! Let's make 2023 GREAT, pallies! Dino's at our side & he's leadin' the way! 

OK ol' pals o' mine...turn it up & raise a glass to the good times to come! 


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