Sunday, September 11, 2022

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "You Were Made For Love"

 Welcome back, my friends! 

How's September treatin' youse so far? 

Not so, in my part of the world. Was a BEA U TI FUL Blue-sky'd 80 degrees yesterday! 

Summer just HATES to go, I guess! 

I don't mind so much though, mi amici. Fall is a GREAT season too! 

I just LOVE the spooky vibe in the air from now 'til Halloween! 

Truth be told...I loves September! The weather is still comfy & a break from the heat isn't so bad either. that I thinks 'bout it, pals... I actually can't wait for the Autumn solstice...that means Fall in British. Haha!! 

'Nother cool cool occasion is comin' soon as well. This week was the birthday of a VERY special someone to Danny G...who just so happens to be a GIGANTIC Dino-holic! 

Hey! That gives me a SWINGIN' idea, pallies! I is gonna send today's Serenade out to this someone & let her know just how SPECIAL she is! 

Seems that gettin' further & further from her younger years has got her stressin' a bit. Hey...tell me 'bout it, mi amici! Haha!! Anyway...She DEF I NATE LY has NUTHIN' to worry 'bout, though pals. She's a GREAT GREAT lady & STILL has ALL the fellas howlin' at the moon! Hahaha!!! 

Thinks she just needs a little Dino-croonin' to lift her spirits. 

Now let me see...hmmmm. 

Got it!

A touch of Dean's "You Were Made For Love", should get her smilin'! 

DEF I NATE LY get's me in a happy mood, pallies! 

So, this one's for you...birthday girl! 

Enjoy your week & enjoy the Dino-jam... goin' out just for you!  

Ciao bella!

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