Sunday, June 12, 2022

Danny G's SPECIAL "The Month That Coolness Came to Earth" Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Relax Ay Voo"

 Hey there, pals o' mine! 

How's it shakin'? 

Cants' believe we is just 'bout half way through June already! 

Man o' time flies, huh? Well...that's OK, mi amici. We are only week number two into "The Month That Coolness Came To Earth" & we is just gettin' started, pals! 

As a matter o' facto, pallies...I gots us somethin' a little special for this week's Serenade!

Now, I've mentioned this many times, pals & it's really not surprisin'...BUT...our one & only pal 'mongst pals...has once 'gain been WISELY chosen for yet 'nother new TV commercial! 

This time it's for "Airbnb"...& I is includin' the vid for those who have yet to catch it.  

Hey pals...obviously this tells the world that these "higher ups" no doubt knew the perfecto & catchy little jam to promote the fun fun vibe of their product! Yup! 

Couldn't help but boast to my kiddies how even after our great pal, Dino, has been gone for over a quarter century...his music is STILL bein' chosen to titillate the masses! Haha!! 

Hey, pallies o' mine...this speaks VOLUMES 'bout the spreadin' of the Dino-message. 
With so so many new, young, trendy Pop-artists out there today...Dean friggin' Martin is STILL a "Go to" grab the world's attention! 
Yes, mi amici...the Dino-passion is burnin' like a flame! 

Cool Cool feelin' too...knowin' that we is also doin' our part to keep Dean's spirit alive & thrivin'...just by bein' our Dino-blog. 

So thanks for your help pallies! Truly a blessin' to me, my friends. 

OK. Are youse ready for this week's Dino-Serenade?! 
Good! Me too! 

This one's goin' out to ALL youse Dino-holics who help keep Dean's vibe, vibin'! 

And now...dames & dudes..."Relax Ay Voo".  


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