Sunday, May 15, 2022

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "If Love Is Good To Me"

 Welcome back, mi amici! 

Welcome to a 'nother BEA U TI FUL Spring day & welcome to 'nother life lesson with our one & ONLY, Dino! Haha!! I love this time of year, pals! 

I know youse already know this, but WOW! 

It just seems to OOZE Life...Love...& Dean Martin tunes! Haha!! 

Seriously though, my friends. These are the best days to me. The world is in full bloom! The birds are tweetin'...the sun is shinin'...& Dino is flowin' through my speakers. He's sorta leadin' the way, actually.  Guidin' us to through this insanity we is goin' through. Singin' his words of praise for the simple thins' in life. 

We have to 'member, my friends...not to get caught up in all the negative stuff. Enjoy EVERY day you can & don't take them for granted, mi amici! . 

Look for the good stuff, pals. 

Thins' always work themselves out! One way or 'nother...we get through. 

Allow me to play youse a tune...a VERY smooth & inspirational tune to me. Keeps me focused, pals. 

Anytime thins' just ain't goin' the way I wish they was goin'...this jam gets me back on track! 

This week's Serenade, "If Love is Good to Me", will set the stage. It will be a guidin' light & play by play plan. 

Keep your mind optimistic, my friends & follow Dean's simple, happy words of wisdom! He knew how live, pals. 

Just stick to the plan & NEVER waste your GOOD energy...on UGLY problems! 

Throw on some Dino & let life happen! 

Dean's got you! 


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