Sunday, April 24, 2022

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "The Last Time I Saw Paris"

 Welcome, mi amici!

So So glad youse stopped by...on this cloudy little Spring mornin'. 

Hope everyone had an AB SO LUTE LY WON DER FUL Easter! Family dinners, chocolate bunnies & spiritual cleansin'! All that! 

Such a great time of year! 

The TRUE beginnin' of "New Years" to this fella! 

Well, pals o' mine...just as I expected...I'm bein' lured back to Dean's COOL COOL al b um of Parisian song..."French Style". 

These overcast days & this record just seem to go hand in hand. One compliments the other, I think. 

So who better than Dino, to make a gray day shine...& how better than with a little "The Last Time I Saw Paris"?! 

This is EXACTLY what we need to REALLY get the vibe of this AWESOME season rollin', my friends! 

Now the only wee, little, tiny, miniscule, problemo...was I couldn't choose which Dino-vid to play! Yes, pals...I was havin' a Dino-dilemma. 

My first choice is ALWAYS a live...from Dean's show...chillin' on his couch, croon. These are my personal faves. 

But,'s a short version. Only 'bout a minute. 

Now...I ob vi ous ly want to share as much Dino-croonin' as possible. 

So do I go with the full studio-recorded jam...or with the very suave but short live vid?! 

Well, palsies o' mine...I'm SURE youse already knows how I roll. 

Only really one thin' to do. 

OK...let's say it all together..."PLAY BOTH VIDS"!!! Haha!! Yup! 


So, my fellow Dino-diggin' Parisians...never mind the clouds! 

Forget the sprinkles & downpours! 


Dino got this! 


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