Sunday, February 27, 2022

Danny G's SPECIAL Dino-Amore Month Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Non Dimenticar"

 Well we is. 

Windin' down 'nother Dino-Amore Month & gettin' through these cold wintery days. 

I know...I know. It's a little bittersweet. But fear not ol' pals o mine...Dino will keep the torch of LOVE burnin'! 

Not to mention...ONLY 21 DAYS 'TIL SPRING!!! 

So, ol' pals o' mine... here I am...ponderin'...exactly which COOL COOL croon to cap off the month's FUN, PASSIONATE & SEXY Serenades with! 

Man o man...what a dilemma!!! Haha!! 

OK...I thinks I have a perfecto tune, that can send Dino-Amore Month off with a bang...Some "old school" Dino! "Non Dimenticar". "Don't Forget". 

Dosen't get ANY more romantico than this, pals! 

L.O.V.E. Italiano style! 

Dean's tellin' some lucky chicalina EX ACT LY how he feels & the LOVE VIBE is DEF I NATE LY drippin' off every word.  

"Please do not forget, that our lips have met, & I've held you tight dear...Was It dreams ago, My heart felt this glow, only just tonight dear." "It's my heart you own, so I'll wait alone. Non Dimenticar." 

OMG! That's some PASSIONATE stuff mi amici!!! Hahaha!!! 

Man! I could go on & on with these juicy lyrics all day, pals! But, I thinks I'll let Dino take it from here. Haha!! 

Quick...turn your speakers WAY up! The whole world GOTTA hear this one!!! 

OK, my friends...let's pull it down a notch. Nice & chilled out. Take this one real easy like. As we slip outta Dino-Amore month & into March...let's do it with Dino's peaceful vibe. 

Likes I said...Spring is right 'round the corner. And with Spring...just like with Dean...LOVE is in the air! 

It's been my pleasure sharin' all these EXTRA special Dino-tunes, pals! Can hardly wait 'til next year! Haha!! 

See youse in March, mi amici! 

'Member to always keep the love in the air & always ALWAYS keep the Dino & the vino flowin'! 


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