Sunday, October 31, 2021

Danny G's SPECIAL Happy Dino-ween Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Blue Moon"






Hey there, my creepy little pallies! 

They say..."Even a man who is pure of heart, & says his prayers by night...may become a Dino-Wolf, when the wolf bane blooms, & the Autumn moon is full, & bright! 

And maybe has had a few too many Scotch on the rocks! Hahaha!!! 

Am I scarin' youse yet?! 


Yes?! Haha!! 

I will get youse yet! 

Oh well, pals...just tryin' to set the mood, here. 

Tryin' to conjure a Halloweeny type vibe for todays Special Dino-ween Serenade, mi amici. 

Can't believe 'nother October is comin' to an end! 

Gonna miss it! 

Gonna miss jammin' out with our pal on these EERIE SCARY days! 

I gotta pick a COOLY GHOULY type tune to REALLY make the most of this last SPOOKY KOOKY night. 

I know! 

How's 'bout a dose of "Blue Moon"?! 

It has a certain ghostly feel to it. OK. 

Playin' it now while I put this together. Man...Kinda sendin' a chill through my body, actually. Feelin' little bit strange. Seems like Dino is right here with me, as I write. Listenin' to the soft guitar chords & Dean's hauntin' lyrics. Just seems to linger 'round the room. Almost like the presence of Dino can be felt. Yes...thins' are a little different tonight, my friends. Can't quite describe it. Someone...or some THING is callin' to me. Shhhhhhh....listen. Can youse hear it? Listen....BOO!!! 


Did I get youse?! 


Yea...I must've got youse that time, pallies! Ha!  

Hey...that's what this season is all 'bout! Dino-chills & boozy-thrills! Haha!! 

Well, I hope ALL my pals have had as much fun as I've had. 

Now go out into the night & have a SCARY & SAFE Halloween! 

Good luck with the Tricks n' Treats! 

And 'member, friends o' mine...Beware the MOON!!! AWOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!

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