Thursday, October 14, 2021

Singer Dean Martin portrays a swinger in his television and nightclub acts—and it appears his private life is beginning to live up to that image.

Hey pallies, likes followin' on the high heels of yester-Dino-day's remembrance of  the hugely historic Dino-date of  October 13, 1969....the enchantin' evenin' that our most beloved Dino met and was immediately swankly smitten goin' head-over-heels for Miss Gail Renshaw, we are once 'gain totally totally thrilled to share an absolutely awesome article below that was supremely scribed by the Palm Springs newspaper, The Desert Sun" on December 13, 1969 and shared with us by the web pad tagged "California Digital Newspaper Collection" that offers huge historical information from decades past.

The newspaper report is tagged "Dean Martin Plans To Marry Another," and beautifully begins with similar sentiments that we here at ilovedinomartin have shared often before..." Singer Dean Martin portrays a swinger in his television and nightclub acts—and it appears his private life is beginning to live up to that image."   Likes as we have stated that 'specially after our Dino's encounter with Miss Renshaw, his professional and personal personas became more and more coolly congruent.

We won't take more of your time so that you can supremely sweetly soak in each and every Dino-detail stunnin'ly shared in this incredibly informative potent prose.  We does want to say our thank you very much to the pallies at "California Digital Newspaper Collection" for bein' such a remarkable repository of noteworthy news.   To check this out in it's original source, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram.

We Remain,

Yours In Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

Dean Martin and daughter Gail

Desert Sun, Number 112, 13 December 1969 — Dean Martin Plans To Marry Another [ARTICLE]

Dean Martin Plans To Marry Another

LAS VEGAS, Nev. (UPI)Singer Dean Martin portrays a swinger in his television and nightclub acts—and it appears his private life is beginning to live up to that image. It was learned Friday that Martin intends to marry a 22 | year - old, blonde, blue - eye'd beauty queen, Gail Renshaw', who recently was named Miss World-USA. The Arlington, Va., girl, 3C years Martin’s junior, will be his second beauty queen wife. Martin's present wife, Jeanne Biegger Martin, was queen of the Orange Bowl Parade in Miami in 1949. Martin, a celebrity guest in the parade, walked alongside her float and asked her for a date. A whirlwind romance followed and the couple w ; as married that September. A tearful Mrs. Martin an- ; nounced the end of that marriage last Wednesday when she told newsmen that she was seeking a divorce because Martin told her he was in love with another woman. “I will comply w'ith his wdshes,” she said, “proceedings will begin immediately. “My deepest concern at the present is for our children.” The couple has three children: Doan Jr., 18; Ricci, 16; and Gina, 12. In addition, they raised four other children by Martin’s first marriage. Martin, who is hosting the 14th anniversary celebration of the Riviera Hotel here, spent the day Friday revamping his act, which contained such references to his wife as “keep those cards and letters coming to Jeanne and me.” Friday night Martin’s daughter by a previous marriage, Gail, opened the private “Dean Martin Night” show in the Riviera Lounge, Only she and Martin appeared before a crowd of some 800 to 900 “high rollers from cast of the Mississippi” who were admitted by invitation only. Martin has been in this gambling capital for the past several days, hosting the hotel’s five-day anniversary party, which began Wednesday. Film editors at NBC in Burbank, Calif., w'here Martin’s shows are taped, were editing out references to Mrs. Martin on 29 of Martin's shows which 1 already have been taped.

1 comment:

  1. Once ‘gain, pal...very cool! Makes me feel like I’m back then, or that this hot news is takin’ place today! Either way...very Cool!
