Saturday, September 18, 2021

Potent Portraits Of Our Dino With His Ever Present Cigarette

Hey pallies, likes there are tons 'n tons of pairs of thin's that naturally noteworthily goes with each cream with cake, bread with butter, an olive with a martini, our Dino with a cigarette.  Today we share with all youse Dino-philes a swank selection of powerfully potent pixs of our one and only Dino with his ever present cigarette in hand.

These 12---count 'em---12 incredible images, almost all  of 'em fabulously famous Dino-poses that have been supremely shared a marvelous multiple of times here at our humble little ilovedinomartin waterin' hole.  These Dino-shots were sweetly snapped  at various times and places in our King of Cool's vastly varied mighty multi-faceted coolest of cool career.

We found these Dino-poses and many more at a new-to-ilovedinomartin web space tagged " where we place the words Dean Martin 'n smokin' in the search engine.
This stunnin' search engine will give us tons of opportunities to pair our main man with all sorts of  other terms.....truly truly the Dino-possibilities are limitless!  To checks out this search engine for yourselves, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-report.

We Remain

Yours In Dino,

Dino Martin Peters




  1. All are awesomely cool cool pics, pal! No one better than our pal, Dino, to promote the swingin’ sixties bad habits! Haha!!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o back in the '90s Kent Cigarettes launched an ad campaign tagged "Portraits Of Pleasure." To our Dino-way of thinkin' no on captured the incredible image of a "Portrait Of Pleasure" then our most most most beloved Dino...and it was no coincidence that our Dino was a Kent smoker.
