Thursday, September 09, 2021

Dean Martin & Jerry Lewis Tribute Video by "igvmyslf1000pts"

Hey pallies, likes we gotta 'fess up Dino-holics that likes we have become absolutely awesomely addicted to fillin' our Dino-days with viewin' vibrant vids of coolly crafted touchin' and tender tributes to our most most most beloved Dino and his most most most beloved partner in comedy, Mr. Jerry likes if youse are solidly sold out to our Dino keeps hangin' with us as we continue to sweetly share youtube vid tribs awesomely assembled by other deeply devoted Dino-philes that proudly publicly profess there absolute adulation of our main man.

Today we share a Dino and Jerry tribute video powerfully put together by a pallie who tags herself
"igvmyslf1000pts" (pictured on the left) who in speakin' of her wonderful work for our Dino that "this tribute was one of my earliest edited videos and it has always held fond memories for me for multiple personal reasons. I am so happy to be able to have it back up! :]"  Likes we woulda loves to hear more of this lady Dino-holic's Dino-testimony as she speaks of the "multiple personal reasons" for this vibrant vid trib to our Dino and Jerry.  

We largely loves the touchin' and tender theme of our Dino and Jerry swankly singin' "Side By Side" and stunnin' scenes taken from the coolest of cool Colgate Hours fabulously featurin' our Dino and Mr. Lewis.  We beautifully believe that "igvmyslf1000pts" has brilliantly chosen some of the bestest of the best marvelous moments from the Colgates to incredibly illustrate the lyrics of this sweetest of sweet song of powerful partnership 'tween our Dino and Jerry.   ilovedinomartin salutes "igvmyslf1000pts" for her hugely heartfelt remarkable reflections via vid of the greatest partnership in all of comedic history, Martin & Lewis.  We woulda gives this lovely lady vid genius likes a zillion pts for her Dino-creativity!

We Remain

Yours In Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

Dean Martin & Jerry Lewis Tribute Video

This tribute was one of my earliest edited videos and it has always held fond memories for me for multiple personal reasons. I am so happy to be able to have it back up! :]

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