Saturday, September 11, 2021

Dean and Jerry Things by Dean Martin


Hey pallies, likes we are havin' a fun fabulous terrific time likes coolly  combin' through the awesome annals of likes a ton of youtube vibrant vids cleverly crafted  in huge homage of the greatest coolest comedic team in all of history, likes none other then our most beloved Dino and his most beloved partner in comedy, Mr. Jerry Lewis.  Likes our Dino-hearts are overflowin' with absolute awesome appreciato for the the coolest of cool creativity and the deepest of deep devotion to our Dino that are energetically exhibited by the time and talent of so so many delightful Dino-adulators lovin' expressin' their absolute amore of our Dino via the marvelous medium of video editin' technology!

All that said to like once 'gain share yet 'nother most most touchin' and tender tribute to our Dino and Jerry found at youtube for all youse Dino-philes excellent edification.  Likes today's terrific trib is beautifully based on our Dino's croonin' of the tune "Things" as the bodacious background for lots and lots of vid clips of Martin and Lewis.  We gotta 'fess up that we likes totally totally stand absolutely in awe of how these video crafters are able to  marvelous match potent pieces of vids of our Dino and Jerry to the wondrous words of the stellar song "Things."

Likes todays vid trib was lavishly lovin'ly created by a pallie who tags themselves "NothingSeriousHere" and true to form the only serious nature of their Dino-work is the obvious deepest of deep devotion to our Dino that ubber underscores their wonderful work.  To be honest we gots hugely hooked on this particular vid 'cause it begins with a clip of our Dino and Jerry potently patterin' together and our Dino sez, "So it's big, I thought I would say little.  I didn't know the size of it."
Jerry's responds , makin'  goo goo eyes at Dino and billowin' and cooin' sez to Dino, "I'm sorry darlin'."
And, Dino's response?  "That's alright, we'll go home together"  Only our Dino and Jerry coulda gets 'way with this very suggestive stuff....especially in the '50s.   And the vid goes on from there.

So sits back and enjoys 'nother great great tribute to our great great man and his greatest of great pallie, Mr. Jerry Lewis.  ilovedinomartin shouts out our thankful thanks to "NothingSeriousHere" for this funniest of funny swank salute to our one and only Dino and his one and only pallie, Jerry.

We Remain

Yours In Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

Dean and Jerry Things by Dean Martin

yet another tribute to Dean and Jerry  : 

Song : Things (Bobby Darin)

Rendition : Dean Martin in The dean martin show

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