Sunday, August 01, 2021

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Mimi"

 Hey pallies...what's new & excitin'?! 

Well...August, I suppose. 

That's 'bout it. Haha!! 

My ol' boss used to asked me that EVERY mornin'. 

Used to crack me up 'cause back in those days...there were ALWAYS new & excitin' thins' happenin'! ALL the time! Hahaha!!! 

Oh well, mi's all part of bein' young & carefree. 

Not a worry in the world. Just good times.  

Nothin' better than that feelin', pals. Youth is priceless. 

What we ALL need to hold onto that youthful vibe...always! Or...we can try to get it back! 

Oh, it can be done, my friends! 

Don't forget...we gots us a card up our sleeves. 


Yup! Good ol' Dean will keep us young forever! 

Maybe not in body...but in mind! 

Don't EVER lose that passion for life, pallies! 

Believe is the key. Dean's music! 

Let me help youse out a wee bit. 

Last week, I told youse I was gonna take your mind off the sweatin' & the stressin'. Well, pals...Danny G. would NEVER lie to his Dino-diggin' pals! 

I gots us just the right cure, for those Summertime blues, my friends! 

How's 'bout we jump back to Dino's "French Style" al b um...just for one jam? 

Yes, I know...I ALWAYS says that this is the PERFECTO  "Springtime" record. But...just one small dose of these tunes is SURE to get that youthful PEP back into your STEP! 

The heat & the "agita" will melt away, pals! 

The weight of the world will be lifted... & a NEW & IMPROVED you, will emerge! Haha!! 

I'm tellin' youse, mi amici...Dino has the power! 

Let today's FUN FUN & SO SO freely silly Serenade be the start of a NEW youth minded life! 

"Mimi" is easy on the brain. 

It's carefree fun! 

The way life should be! Maybe once was. Let's get it back, pallies! 

Once you feel that zest for life...youse'll NEVER let it go 'gain! 

Mind over matter, my friends! Dino-mind, that is. 



  1. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, our most beloved Dino is always where it is at and our Dino is always happenin'. Likes when you speaks of "youth," it reminds me that when our Dino was workin' on developin' a new golf pad, he was coolly quoted as wantin' to put the accent on youth in terms of who he woulda be seekin' to join his swingin' golf course. And, we know that our Dino got cooler, hipper and randier as he moved into the swingin' '70's...always wantin' to put his accent on keepin' youthful and the supreme swinger that he was!

  2. August has arrived and summer is in full swing. The heat and humidity are at full blast and of course that calls for a little Dean Martin to cool things off. There is nobody more equipped to handle the job, esp with a little help from Danny G.! A wonderful up-beat tune you picked this week my friend. It's too hot to do anything else than sit back with a cold drink and let Dean take us all away. A great selection as always!

    Have a great week.

