Monday, July 12, 2021

Yesterday In Dino-history: July 11, 1946

Hey pallies, likes while doin' some beautiful blog searchin' of Dino-gems, we uncovered once 'gain our pallie Bob Dearborn's pad "The Olde Disc Jockey's Almanac" who daily blogs delightful details of events of note each and every day of the year.  Likes today Bob's post celebrates that it was on  July 11th in the year of our Dino 1946 that our most beloved Dino recorded his first four songs for the Diamond Records label.  Likes if we did our math correctly, that is 75 Dino-years 'go...likes all we can say is wow! pallies! wow!

It is always likes so so thrillin' to be able to grow in our knowledge of the life, times, and teachin's of our Dino and we likes thanks our pallie Mr. Bob Dearborn at "The Olde Disc Jockey's Almanac"  for remindin' their readership and all us Dino-holics of this stellarly special day in Dino-history. 

Likes since, July 11th is on Sunday and likes we had 'nother cool celebration to remember for this Dino-date, we share this Dino-historical moment with all youse Dino-addicts on July 12.

We Remain,

Yours In Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

1946 - Dean Martin recorded his first four songs

July 11, 1946…Weeks before starting his comedy team partnership with Jerry Lewis, Dean Martin signed a contract and recorded four songs for Diamond Records: "Which Way Did My Heart Go," "All of Me," "I Got the Sun in the Morning" and "The Sweetheart of Sigma Chi." The first two tracks were the A- and B-sides, respectively, of his first single release.


  1. Cool Dino-info, pal. Man! 75 years!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, indeed dude...and this was only the start of our Dino coolest of cool crooner career on records and will continue forever as more and more pallies are drawn into the Dino-fold each and every Dino-day and we here at ilovedinomartin are doin' our potent part to keeps the Dino-light glowin' and growin'!
