Sunday, July 04, 2021

Danny G's SPECIAL Fourth O' July Sunday Serenade with Dino: "I'd Cry Like A Baby"

 Welcome back, ol' Cool Cool pallies o' mine! 

Happy Fourth o' July! 

Time to crank up some Dino & get to the pool...beach...backyard...whatever. 

It's time to par-tay! Hahaha!!! 

This "4th", as we celebrate our independence, let's try to keep Cool Cool Dino-vibes flowin' & DEF I NATE LY keep in mind how TRULY lucky we is to live in this GREAT GREAT nation! 

Our freedom DEF I NATE Y wasn't free & we should ALL appreciate what we have! 

Now...let's get to the Dino-jam! 

This week's Serenade, "I'd Cry like A Baby", has me thinkin' 'bout our BESTEST pal with his SWEETEST Summertime fling! 

I can tell he's REALLY diggin' on this lucky young lady & is REALLY hopin' she sticks 'round ALL year long!!! 

I would AB SO LUTE LY be cryin' like a baby if our Dino said "goodbye" & POS I TIVE LY feelin' "like a snowball on the Fourth of July!!!" 

But don't stress out pallies...Our Dean ain't goin' nowhere!!! 

He's here to stay! 

So let's celebrate the day pals! Let's celebrate Dino! 

Be careful crackin' off those firecrackers...& always...ALWAYS keep the Dino & the vino flowin'! 

SALUTE a la America! 


  1. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, likes how totally totally coolly cleaver youse is to find a Dino-croon with lyrics speakin' of a snowball on the 4th of July! Youse are so so in tune with our most beloved Dino that we thinks youse are bein' incredibly inspired by our great great man!

  2. Truly Dino-‘spired on a daily basis, pallie!

  3. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o likes once youse been welcomed into our Dino's world...the Dino-inspiration pours out as freely as one of our Dino's liquid libations!
