Wednesday, July 21, 2021



Hey pallies, likes, likes it's 'nother extraordinarily exceptional Dino-diggin' day here at our humble little ilovedinomartin waterin' hole where we've had one thousand, three hundred and twenty-three Dino-hits this very Dino-day.  Likes it makes us perfectly potently proud to have so so many deeply deeply devoted  Dino-holics comin' to our humble little Dino-waterin' hole to drink deeply of our most most most beloved Dino and to swankly share in the extremely elegant eclectic Dino-grams coolly culled from all over the world wide web.

We are hugely hugely humbled to play a small part in helpin' keep the Dino-light goin' and glowin', warmly welcomin' pallies to proudly partake of the life, times, and the teachin's of our King of Cool and helpin' they grow in knowin', lovin' and celebratin' our one, our only Dino!

Here's one of our fav Dino-croons from the Dino-show for all youse Dino-philes Dino-viewin' pleasure.
It's Mr. Kenny Rogers and the First Edition croonin' "Hey Good Lookin" featurin' our Dino at his coolest of cool, hippest of hip, randiest of randy, modest of mod supreme swinger self!

We Remain,

Yours In Dino,

Dino Martin Peters


  1. Can’t see a vid pal. Maybe it’s just my phone though.

  2. Either way... it’s very excitin’ to hear how many Dino-fans are stoppin’ By!

  3. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o...just startin' watchin' the vid from the 'puter...if youse can't access it from the phone, simply goes to youtube and type in the beloved name of our Dino and Kenny Rogers and it ought come up....super spectacular swank croonin' by our Dino and Kenny and the gang.
