Sunday, April 11, 2021

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "April Showers"

 Welcome back, pals...Youse look stunnin'! Haha!! 

Youse will see the Dino-humor in that later. Haha!! 

Well, my friends...'Nother Easter has come & gone & April is REALLY startin' to show it's colors. The snow is gone & the grass is turnin' green! 

What's not to love 'bout this time of year, mi amici? 

Gives me a little extra Springtime pep in my step, pals, that I wanna share with all of youse. 

So...what better way than with our main man, Dino?! 

Let's go! 

I gots the AB SO LUTE LY PER FEC TO I always do... for a day like this! Haha!! 

It's a vid I simply LOVES to share with youse every year & is STILL one of my ALL TIME FAVES! 

It's THE...quintessential Springtime croon & is just simply SO SO fittin' for a drizzly kinda April day like today. 

This GREAT GREAT month is SO full of promise pallies! 

Flowers are poppin' up...the robins are secretly buildin' their nests...even the Sun is hangin' 'round a wee bit longer, everyday!!! 

So So cool to me, pallies & I definately could not thinks of a MORE Dino-inspirin' Serenade to set the stage! 

Dean is at his totally FUNNIEST when jokin' with his main pal, Mr. Ken Lane (this is where the "Stunnin" part comes in) & at his completely SMOOTHEST while croonin' this  BEA U TI FUL Springy tune! 

"April Showers" will get you in such a happy mood pals...this I can guarantee! 

Forget the rain! 

Forget the clouds! 

Forget all of life's stress! It's SPRING, pallies!!! 

Youse simply can't helps but smile while watchin' Dean weave his magic spell. 

Just a wink of his eye or a quick glimpse of that ever present wiseguy smirk...& he got youse! Your hooked in his magic & left beggin' for more. 

OK, my friends...sit back & REALLY soak this one in.  

It's Dino at his BEST! 

So just keep on lookin' for that Blue bird...& listenin' for his song...wheneva these April showers come along.


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