Sunday, December 13, 2020

Danny G's SPECIAL Dino-Winter Month Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Marshmallow World"

 Welcome back, pallies! 

Welcome to 'nother week of Dino-Winter Month! 

TRULY a VERY special time of year, my friends. Soak it in!'s the holiday season treatin' youse' so far? 

Gettin' some Christmas shoppin' done? Deckin' the halls? Haulin' out that ol' holly & all that fun stuff? 

I knows it can get tirin', pallies. Especially this crazy year. It can wear youse down to the bone...if youse let it! 

Make sure youse take a breather every now & then! 'Member what the month is REALLY all 'bout...Celebratin' our DINO!!! Hahaha!!! 

Among other obvious thins'... of course...this month is to REALLY soak in that Dino vibe. REALLY listen to what he is tellin' us... & REALLY follow in his GREAT GREAT footsteps. Relax. Be cool, baby. Let thins' roll off your shoulder, pallie. Life's too damn short to sweat the little thins'! Even the big thins'! Haha!! 

Well...I thinks it's been 'nough time since we had an EXTRA special Serenade. How's 'bout a wee bit o "Duetin' with Dino"?! Yes! Cool! 

Thinks we could ALL use some "EXTRA SPECIALNESS" rights 'bout now! 

Seems to me...there's really only ONE jam that TOTALLY gets this month swingin'! And...there's only TWO cool cool cats that can swing on it together! 

Of course I is referrin' to "Marshmallow World" by Dean & Frank! 

Likes no other duet known to man has ever entertained the masses SO SO feverishly, pals! Haha!!  


And seein' how yesterday was what would have been Ol' Blue Eyes' Birthday...this TRULY couldn't be any more perfecto of a tune! 

It DEF I NATE LY gets me in the holiday spirit & DEF I NATE LY keeps me in that  Wintery Dino-vibe! 

OK...'nough talkin'...let's get Dino-rockin'! 

Oh, and by the way...I couldn't help but play Dean's solo track of this GREAT GREAT jam too. Hey, pals...I'm a Dino-junkie...what can I say?! Haha!! 

OK, mi amici... 'member...go easy! Santa's not the ONLY one watchin'...Dean wants youse to take a breath...inhale that cool cool Dino-air...& just relax. 

It's the ONLY way to be, pals. 


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