Sunday, October 25, 2020

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "In the Cool Cool Cool of the Evening"


Welcome back, my little Dino-ghouls & goblins. 

Hope youse is ready for one last CREEPY...SCARY...Darn right FRIGHTENIN' Serenade...from our one 'n only Dino! 

Yes...the time is almost here, my friends! 

The creatures of the night been workin' overtime... to make this the mostest spine-tinglin' day of the year! 


Did I get youse shiverin' in fear, mi amici?! Hahaha!!! 

Just settin' the stage, pals. 

Man...I hate to see this month pass! It's SO SO much fun! 

Actually, pallies...I've been in Dino-ween mode since September! Haha!! 

I REALLY get into Halloween case youse can't tell. 

Well, my little spooky Dino-monsters...let's get to the tunes! 

I found us a TOTALLY fun & spooky jam to WEEN ourselves off Dino-ween. It's the BEST kinda Dino-vid! A LIVE Dino-vid! 

Definitely the most fun watchin' Dean weave his spell on us. 

He's got that "vampirish" way 'bout him that pulls you in & don't let go! 

Man o' man...this is gettin' scarier by the minute! 


OK, palsies o' mine. Here's some "In the Cool Cool Cool of the Evening" for youse. It's sure to set the mood for these last bone-chillin' nights of October! 

Enjoy the Dino-vid & have a Fearfully fun & safe Halloween. mi amici! 


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