Sunday, September 20, 2020

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Let Me Know"

 Welcome back, mi amici! And welcome to the LAST Sunday Serenade with Dino of Summer 2020, as well! Man o man...where do the months go, pals?! Years, for that matter! Cant even believe I've had the privelage of doin' these FUN FUN Sunday Serenades for 9 WON DER FUL years now! Yup...Fall of 2011 was my first. TRULY can't express how much I enjoy writin' my deep deep thoughts 'bout life... through the eyes of a Dino-holic. Haha!! And at the same time...spreadin' the Dino-message! VERY humb'ly...I THANK youse for your weekly interest in my insanity & I THANK our fearless leader, DMP, for offerin' me the job. One which I take very the funnest of ways, my friends! Now, pallies o' mine...let's get to this week's Serenade! Seein' how it's the last week of the summery season...I figured I transition us...gently...into the new one. Somethin' REAL mellow & O so soothin'! Well, pals...thinks I got just what Dr. Dino ordered! It's's's...well...IT"S PURE DINO!!! Haha!! Pulled it from my own personal "Go to" place for ULTIMATE chillin'! Dean's 1966 al b um, "Relaxin". "Let Me Know" will DEF I NATE LY... gently...glide youse into these comin' cool, crisp days ahead. Sit back & close your eyes, pallies. Dino's at the wheel & he's on cruise control, Hahaha!!! Let's embrace Autumn & see what Dean has in store for us next! It's gonna be a GREAT Fall, pals...just hit PLAY & relax. Enjoy.

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