Friday, August 14, 2020

I want to talk to you about Dean Martin.

Hey pallies, likes return with us this Dino-day to the November 11, 2011 edition of ilovedinomartin
when we posted "I want to talk to you about Dean Martin."  That original postin' can be located  HERE.  It's a incredible interview superbly scribed by none other then Mr. Jerry Seinfeld that was commissioned by Newsweek mag and reported at the blog, "The Daily Beast.

Seinfeld was interviewin' none other then Dino-devotee Mr. Regis Philbin on the occasion of his departin' his five-day-a-week gig, "Live! With Regis and Kelly."  Likes a huge huge part of that interview coolly centered on Regis' deepest of deep Dino-delight.  It's a really remarkable read that we know all youse Dino-philes will greatly greatly groove on.

We just LOVES!  LOVES! LOVES! reverently reflectin' on any and all Dino-diggers' Dino-devotion, but it is 'specially sweet to hear more and more and more delightful Dino-adulation by premier promoter of our one and only King of Cool.....Mr. Regis Philbin.  We thanks Mr. Jerry Seinfeld and the folks at both Newsweek and "The Daily Beast" for gettin' Regis' touchin' 'n tender Dino-thoughts captured for all Dino-time.  And, likes the greatest of great gratitude for the life and legacy of Mr. Regis Philbin and his undyin' devotion to our most most most beloved Dino.

We Remain,

Yours In Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

Hey pallies, likes the name of our Dino is likely to appear all over the web this week as one of our most beloved Dino's greatest fans, Regis Philbin "signs off this week" from his 5-day-a-week TV show. Today ilovedinomartin brings you part of an interview between Regis and Mr. Jerry Seinfeld done for Newsweek Mag and reported at the blog, "The Daily Beast."

As you will read below, likes Newsweek asked Philbin who he woulda likes to interview him and his request was to have Seinfeld do the task. And, likes what name did Jerry drop as he began quirin' the Rege? Likes, of course, none other then our Dino! Jerry sez, "I want to talk to you about Dean Martin."

What appears below is that portion of the interview that puts the accent on Dino. Likes I woulda encourage all you Dino-holics to read the Dino-banter back and forth between Jerry and Regis...very cool stuff indeed pallies! To read the whole interview just clicks on the tag of this Dino-sharin'.

Hats off to the pallies at "The Daily Beast" for makin' this interview available on the web, and to the pallies at Newsweek for comin' up with the idear of an exist interview with Philbin. And, more thanks to Mr. Seinfeld for puttin' the accent on our most beloved Dino in his questionin' of Mr. Philbin. Thanks also to Dino-holic Regis Philbin for doin' so so much to keep the Dino-light glowin' Dino-bright durin' his reign on the small screen. Dino-reportin', DMP

Live With Regis & Jerry

Nov 13, 2011 10:00 AM EST

TV’s ultimate survivor, Regis Philbin, signs off this week. the daytime kibitzer talks to Jerry Seinfeld about what makes a show last—and how to know when to quit.

He is, believe it or not, the most enduring act in the history of television, 16,700 hours on camera, a Guinness World Record. Today, Regis Philbin’s office at ABC in New York, his second home since 1983, is mostly empty, aside from half-full moving boxes and his colorful neckties lining the closet. He’s adamant that at age 80 he’s not retiring, having attributed the split to a contract dispute.

As he signs off this week, Newsweek asked Philbin, who has chatted up guests ranging from Milton Berle and Big Bird to Condoleezza Rice and John McCain, who should interview him. He chose Jerry Seinfeld. (“Is he a reporter now?” Kelly Ripa quipped on the show the day after the interview took place. “Everybody is moving on to other things.”) Seinfeld pulled into Philbin’s studio on his bicycle to reminisce. Excerpts:

JERRY: I want to talk to you about Dean Martin.

REGIS: I’m amazed that you bring up Dean Martin. Why did you bring up Dean Martin?

JERRY: Well, I know you’re a fan. I have a friend who’s also a fan, and he was constantly hammering me, “Do you see what this man is capable of?” Then you stop and think about it—who else ever did that? Somebody comes on, he sings with them, he doesn’t rehearse, it all works. And so I have, later in life, begun to really appreciate him.

REGIS: I’m so happy to hear that, because Dean Martin is kind of fading out in our business. He hasn’t been performing.

JERRY: Frankly, I think death hurt him professionally.

REGIS: But for a young guy like you to understand what this man meant—

JERRY: Now here’s my segue. What you’re doing, Regis, that Dean Martin also did is one of the things that the people who make the big decisions in our business never understand.

REGIS: You’re right again. They never did. They never got Regis, they never did.

JERRY: Let’s not complain too much about the people who don’t get you. You’ve been gotten. It doesn’t become you to be complaining. You somehow managed 30 years, the most successful television performer in the history of the medium.

REGIS: Has anybody heard a question in here?

JERRY: I just think it’s interesting that people don’t understand how a guy could just come out on TV and be entertaining by just being himself, with no material. This is how I’m trying to connect you to Dean Martin here. Tell us—what do you do that gets you to where you think, “I can make this work”?

REGIS: You know, I never knew if I had any talent when I started in this business. My first job was being a page at The Tonight Show. I saw Jack Paar come out one night and sit on the edge of his desk and talk about what he’d done the night before. I thought, “I can do that!” I used to do that on a street corner in the Bronx with all my buddies.

JERRY: And you would make them laugh?

REGIS: Yeah. So when I got the chance to do my first talk show, 50 years ago last month, I never had any writers. There was no budget—it was just me and the camera and my friend who was the director. I talked about what I’d done that week.

JERRY: My friend Colin Quinn calls your show Breakfast With Your Father. You’re this guy who we love and are comfortable with, but he’s only going so far with you. When you get to a certain line of propriety, he’s going to say, “I don’t want to hear about that.” And that’s what we’re missing in television: people who realize I don’t want to know everything. I don’t want you to display your sexual proclivities. It’s a moral compass of what I’m going to talk about on TV and what I’m not going to talk about on TV, and that’s what Regis provided.

REGIS: But excuse me, you’re one of the few guys left in our business—there’s only about three guys I know who don’t use the F word to get a laugh. It’s you, Cosby, and Rickles, believe it or not.

JERRY: I’m going to do it my way or I’m not going to do it.

REGIS: In your show, there are four different plotlines. It’s going this way with Elaine, and there’s Kramer getting into trouble, and George has a problem. It takes a lot of ingenuity.

JERRY: You know why we did that? We realized we had such great performers. You couldn’t have a show where Kramer doesn’t do something. What a waste of a terrific guy.

REGIS: But you were their compass. They were all coming to you. You could laugh with these guys and solve their problems. There had to be one guy to do that.

JERRY: I learned that from Mary Tyler Moore. When I was a kid and I watched her show, I thought, “I can do what she’s doing.” You play off of all those eccentric characters, and if you really love comedy as I do, you know that the straight man is one of the most important parts of comedy. And one of the most fun.

REGIS: And one of the things Dean Martin had.


  1. Great interview, pals! I dig how Jerry said that he was now beginning to really appreciate Dino, himself...later in his life. Hey, pallies o' mine...better late than never!

  2. And btw...I miss Rege already. Hate losing' a devotee to our pal, Dino.

  3. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, while our Dino will always always remain our primo role model extraordinaire, Regis has been a wonderful role model of the deepest of deep devotee of our King of Cool.
