Friday, August 21, 2020

10 Times Dean Martin Said It Best

YouTube | Comedians, Dean martin, Actor

Hey pallies, likes as all youse Dino-philes know the vid pad youtube is coolly completely chocked full of darin' 'n delightful Dino-adulation....a groovy gold mine of Dino-treasures just waitin' to be minded.  Recently while hangin' 'round youtube we were lovin'ly led to a virile vid created by none other then our pallies at Esquire mag......"10 Times Dean Martin Said It Best."

Likes we are in absolute awe of the complete creativity of this wonderfully wise powerfully potent presentation of some of our most beloved Dino's incredible insights.  Likes some of the swank sayin's come for the wit and wisdom of our King of Cool while others are lyrics lifted from some of our Dino's classic croons.

To us, what makes this Dino-media so so supremely special is that the bodacious backgrounds of each of these Dino-sayin's are a vast variety of Dino-images and Dino-clips....and, likes they coolly cover the various ages and stages of our Dino's life and times.  We just know all youse Dino-holics will eagerly enjoy imbibin' freely of these Dino-libations.

Hats off to the fantastic folks at Esquire for offerin' up wise words, incredible images and the coolest of cool clips....what a wonderful way to increase our Dino-knowledge and Dino-edification!

10 Times Dean Martin Said It Best

Take a look back at some of Dean Martin’s most memorable quotes.

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