Thursday, July 09, 2020

Dino-devotion from THE JUNK DRAWER OF SHAWN LEVY: "A bit off the top" with our Dino and Jerry

Hey pallies, likes welcome back for a second helpin' (with many more to come!) from deeply devoted Dino-delighter, Mr. Shawn Levy found at his beautiful blog tagged " "SHAWN LEVY DOT COM"  which you can access HERE.   Likes our  pallie of pallies, our Dino-proser par excellent here at ilovedinomartin (none other then Danny-o) coolly commented on our first incredible installment from Levy,  "Cool Cool pic, man. Never seen before. Keep em' comin', pallie!,"  Likes we are goin' to do exactly that....keep  'em comin' Dino-indeed!

Likes we guessin' that not only Danny-o and we, but likes a ton of youse Dino-holics will never ever before have gloriously gazed on the Dino and Jerry powerfully potent pix below and we simply gotta 'fess up that likes we greatly greatly grooves and deeply deeply digs this coolest of cool candid of our most beloved Dino takin "A bit off the top" of Jerry's hair.   It does make us wonder just who it mighta be who is holdin' Jerry's head in place while our Dino pretends to do the cuttin'.

To checks this out at Shawn's tumblr space, "THE JUNK DRAWER OF SHAWN'S MIND," simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram.  We are totally totally thrilled to have happened on Levy's  coolest of cool collection of Dino-images and we are grandly grateful to be able to share 'em with
Dino-holics 'round the Dino-universe.  It is with the greatest of gratitude we once 'gain thanks Mr. Shawn Levy for his hugely huge homagin' of our one and only Dino.

We Remain,

Yours In Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

A bit off the top (via ClassicKat)


A bit off the top (via ClassicKat)

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