Thursday, July 23, 2020

Dino-devotion from THE JUNK DRAWER OF SHAWN LEVY: Lads: DM & JL

Hey pallies, likes youse guessed it pallies, once 'gain we return this very Dino-day with 'nother swankest of swank snapshot of our most beloved Dino with his most beloved partner, Mr. Jerry Lewis coolly courtesy of Dino-adulator,  Mr. Shawn Levy (pictured above on the right) sweetly shared via his  personal blog tagged ""SHAWN LEVY DOT COM"  which all youse Dino-philes  can access HERE.

Likes in some recent perfect patter from our Dino-phile of Dino-philes, Danny-o, who weekly personally professes his Dino-devotion through his Sunday blog posts tagged "Sunday Serenade With Dino," speakth this marvelous message, "Man! I'm lovin' these vintage pics, pal! Get's me wonderin' what each story is behind them!"  Danny-o's thankful thoughts are our as well and aptly apply to this Dino-day's potent pix of  Martin & Lewis.  We deeply digs the extraordinary expressions on our Dino and Jerry's faces and we are deeply delighted to see  our Dino's got his arms around Jerry as this cool couple hold hands as well.

If any of youse Dino-holics know anythin' 'bout this fun fun foto, likes drop us some patter 'cause asa we sez, inquirin' Dino-minds want to know!    Once 'again, we eagerly express our terrific thanks to Mr. Shawn Levy for sharin' this incredible image first found at his home tumblr pad which you can access by clickin' on the tag of this Dino-message.

Stay tuned for the next couple of Dino-days as we reverently remember the beautiful beginnin' and ernstwhile endin' of the greatest comedic partnership of all time.

We Remain,

Yours In Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

Lads: DM & JL (via TheMoreProfoundBond)

Lads: DM & JL (via TheMoreProfoundBond)

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