Thursday, July 16, 2020

Dino-devotion from THE JUNK DRAWER OF SHAWN LEVY: Dino and Jerry Puppets bein' played with by our Dino and Jerry

Hey pallies, likes all our Dino-diggers have we got the sweetest of sweet snapshot of our Dino for your vivacious viewin' pleasure this very Dino-day.  Likes once  'gain we are powerfully pleased to return to the home blog pad of Mr. Shawn Levy's (pictured above on the right) that's  tagged ""SHAWN LEVY DOT COM"  and can be accessed right  HERE.

Likes today's particular pose of our most beloved Dino and his most beloved partner is totally totally tender and touchin', and one that we gotta 'fess up is one that we have never ever laid our eyes on before.  We have seen images of the puppets that we created and sold to the masses of our Dino and Jerry, but we have never seen an image of our Dino and Jerry playin' with 'em.  Just to let all youse Dino-holics know we did a recent search on the ol' net of images of the Dino and Jerry puppets which youse can check out HERE and we discovered that they were a variety of styles of 'em sold over the course of the ten years that our Dino and Jerry were makin' funny together.

We woulda be totally totally thrilled to even own one set of these delightful Dino and Jerry toys...truly we woulda completely cherish the op to play Dino and Jerry with 'em, but we did not locate any bein' sold on the 'net as this time.

We do beautifully believe that  this is one of the cutest of cute, the sweetest of sweet snapshots of Martin and Lewis as we largely loves the look on their fabulous truly truly brings such Dino-happiness to our Dino-hearts just bein' able to lovin'ly gaze at this Dino-pose!
We can not say thank you 'nough to Mr. Shawn Levy for gatherin' these incredible images of our Dino and Jerry at his tumblr pad, THE JUNK DRAWER OF SHAWN'S MIND, which you can access by clickin' on the tag of this particular Dino-message.

We Remain,

Yours In Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

Martins and Lewises (via XLuvMary)


Martins and Lewises (via XLuvMary)


  1. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o I am in rapturous rapture how so so many of these Dino and Jerry images show much fun and how happy these guys were bein' together as partners and friends. Jerry said that what he and Dino had was a love affair and such pixs as they truly show the love they had to each other. Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our one, our only DINO!
