Monday, July 13, 2020

Dino-devotion from THE JUNK DRAWER OF SHAWN LEVY:"I like you" with our Dino and Jerry

Hey pallies, likes it's a start of a beautiful brand new week of Dino-devotion here at our humble little Dino-blog where in this month of July we are pretty particularly puttin' our awesome accent on our most beloved Dino and his most beloved partner in comedy, Mr. Jerry Lewis.  And, we are majorly doin' so with a terrific ton of swankly stunnin' Dino and Jerry images uncovered at Mr. Shawn Levy's (pictured above on the right) personal blog tagged ""SHAWN LEVY DOT COM"  which all youse Dino-philes  can access HERE.

Likes after repostin' an absolutely amazin' article 'bout the remarkable relationship 'tween our Dino and Jerry that was supremely scribed by Mr. Levy earlier in this Dino-month and found HERE, that we tagged " And yet I have a patron saint, albeit one not canonised by Rome: Dean Martin, or, as I like to think of him, St Dean of the Whatever," we went on a Dino-hunt so see what else Shawn may have sweetly shared 'bout his Dino-affection.

Well that Dino-searchin' took us to a awesome area of Levy's blog tagged "CATEGORY: DEAN MARTIN," where our eyes beheld a mighty multiplicity of Dino-poses that included many many of our lovin' man with his lovin' partner, Mr. Jerry Lewis.  These stunnin' snapshots are a powerful part of Shawn's personal tumblr site tagged "THE JUNK DRAWER OF SHAWN LEVY," from which today's Dino-devotional comes.  We pretty sure that the great gif below was taken from a most lovin' moment from one of episodes of the Martin and Lewis Colgate Comedy Hour, with Jerry givin' our Dino a peck on the cheek and proudly proclaimin' "I like you."   We loves seein' Jerry so so often openly express his love for our Dino, which he spoke and wrote of so so often in the years after their breakup.

Once 'gain we express our great gratitude to Mr. Shawn Levy for collectin' these Dino-pixs for our Dino-delight.  To check's today's Dino-entry out at Levy's tumblr pad, likes simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram.

We Remain,

Yours In Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

I like you (via GregoryPecks)

I like you (via GregoryPecks)


  1. Haha!! Sweetly silly. No doubtin' that Jer always was in total admiration of our main man. Dino.

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o....totally total adulation of our most beloved DINO! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our one, our only DINO!
