Sunday, July 26, 2020

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "What Can I Say After I Say I'm Sorry?"

Ciao, mi amici!
What's shaken?!


Diggin' the Dino-Summery vibes?

Have youse dared to hit any beaches yet?
Me either.
Maybe it's best we don't, pallies.

I thinks we should tough it out a little longer...see how thins' go.

Maybe even just find some shade...& chill out with a little vino & a LOTTA Dino!

Yes, my fellow Dino-philes...that's all youse really need!
Warm breezes & our pal comin' outta your speakers.

Good 'nough for me, pals!

Summer is whatever youse wants it to be.

It's just a time to relax & inhale life.
Take all the stress...from all year long...& just let it float away.

It's somethin' we all need to do!
Not easy...believe me...I KNOW!
But...we can do it, my friends.

Maybe a nice n' easy tune from Dino's 1966 al b um, "The Dean Martin TV Show", will help youse shake off life's "agita".

It's got that "Summery Dino" vibe...& is perfecto to set the mood for a late night float 'round the pool...or a quiet drink out on the front stairs.
Don't really matter, mi amici. As long as your chillin'.

Now, let me see... Hmmmmm...
So many GREAT jams on this one.
I'm lookin' for a soft one, though.
Gotta help my Dino-diggin' paisani put their brains on ice & just cool off!
Got it!

How's 'bout a nice...easy...dose of "What Can I say After I Say I'm Sorry?".

I thinks this will do just PER FECT LY!

It's slow & easy...It's gentle on the mind...IT'S COMFORTIN' TO THE SOUL, PEOPLE!!!
Whoa Whoa Whoa, Danny G.!
This is s'posed to be relaxin'...& I'm gettin' ALL worked up, here!
Cants help it, pallies!
Dean get's me pumped!!!

OK...chill mode, now.

Breathe this one in, my friends.
Hold it in your lungs...then let it all out.

It's SURE to remedy all the day's stress.



  1. Another week has come and gone and of course we all have a new week and Dean Martin song to look forward too. It is one hot week and this is the perfect way to slow things down a bit and cool off. A wonderful selection as always Danny G!

    Have a great week.


  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-0, no one better to emulate in the de-stressin' and relaxin' modes then our King of Cool, our Master of Hip, our Ruler of Randy....our one, our only DINO! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our most most most beloved DINO!
