Tuesday, June 09, 2020

In Honor Of Dean Martin

Hey pallies, likes on this ninth day of our month long celebration of our Dino's date of birthday on June 7, 1917....The Day That Coolness Came To Earth, we sweetly share with you a powerfully potent post, "In Honor Of Dean Martin," shared by one of  ilovedinomartin's most faithful readers, Miss AOW from her personal blog "Always On Watch - Semper Vigilans.  Youse can access her blog and this particular post by clicking on the tag of this Dino-report.

If we recall correctly, Miss AOW began her awesome adulation of our most beloved Dino at quite the tender age and she continues to grow in her deepest of Dino-delight decade after Dino-decade.  As you will see below, Dino-digger Miss AOW has chosen a quintessential quartet of Dino-vid clips of
some of our King of Cool's fantastically fabulous tremendous tunes...."That's Amore," "Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime,"Houston," and "Welcome To My World."

We once 'gain are awesomely appreciative of Miss AOW's open and affirmatively proudly professin' her deepest of deep Dino-devotion to her remarkable readership as she lovin'ly lifts up the 103 amazin' anniversary of our Dino's awesome ascent to our planet.  Thanks Miss AOW for you cool contribution to swankly spreadin' our Dino's life, times, and teachin's farther and farther, certainly helpin' more and more pallies to be welcomed into our Dino's wonderful world!

We Remain,

Yours In Dino,

Dino Martin Peters


In Honor Of Dean Martin

Dean Martin (June 7, 1917-December 25, 1995), aka "The King of Cool," was born 103 years ago on June 7, 2020, in Steubenville, Ohio.

Once no longer part of Martin & Lewis, he specialized in exuding an aura of nonchalance.

A few of his signature songs....

This tune debuted in the 1953 film The Caddy, when Martin & Lewis was still a comedy duo:

The tune that knocked the Beatles from the #1 spot at Billboard on August 15, 1964:

Having fun on his weekly variety show (1965-1974), which aired every Thursday evening:

Dean Martin typically performed one serious ballad on his weekly show:

The world we had then was a simpler place and a simpler time. That world seems far away now.


  1. Great job, Ms. AOW! And you are SO SO right! Those days definitely are long gone by. Unfortunately. But! Fortunately...we have Dino's movies, music & memories to keep us on the right track! Even in this crazy world...even in these CRAZY times...we will ALWAYS feel the presence of Dino.

  2. DMP,
    Thank you so much for honoring my post about our Dino.

    In this crazy world, sometimes listening to and watching our Dino is the only thing that keeps me sane!
