Sunday, April 26, 2020

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "April In Paris"

Good mornin', afternoon, evenin', friends!
Whatever the case may be!

Hey, pals...I'm not even 100% positive that it's even Sunday!

Am I doin' "Danny G's Thursday Serenade with Dino"?!
It's kind've all been blurred together, these days.

Am I right?

Groundhog a friend o' mine, calls it.

Everyday seems the same as yesterday...& the day before & the day before that.

I would've bet my last bottle of Zin that Tuesday was actually Wednesday!
Had to check my phone twice that day.

O well, mi is, what it is.

We makin' the best situation out of a not so cool situation.

We're doin' the right thin'.
We're stayin' safe...I hope.
Pourin' up some vino...& chillin' with our main man, Dino.

Speakin' of our main dudes...I'm wonderin' where our fearless leader, DMP,  has been.
I know he has his personal thins' he deals with, from time to time...but I'm gettin' a little worried now. Been a couple months since his last re-emergin'... & that was brief.
Let's keep him in our prayers, pallies.

OK...let's get some Dino flowin'.
Sound good?

Keeps me goin', my friends.

Keeps the optimism brewin' in me.

I know thins' are crazy...but Dean's jams...spirit & vibe...seriously help me keep my eye on that light at the end of the tunnel, pallies.

Now...there's NO WAY...I was lettin' April slip away...without sharin' some "April in Paris".

A soft & mellow tune.
Pure tranquility, mi amici.

I put pictures to words, in my dizzy mind,  as I listen to the lyrics. 
Try it, pals.
Close your eyes...& let Dino take the wheel.
It's sure to put all this craziness aside...& soak in some of Dean's "cool".

OK, pallies o' mine...stay safe by stayin' home.

We're getting; there...I think, hope.

Whatever...enjoy the Serenadin'.


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