Sunday, April 12, 2020

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "The Poor People Of Paris"

Hey pals!

Happy Easter!

Is all my fellow Dino-diggin' peeps followin' the rules?
The social distancin' thin'...the masks...the stayin' home?
That's what we gotta do, mi amici.

Looks like it's the best chance we's got, at squashin' this UGLY thin'!
And we will squash it, pals.

Someday we will be able to look back and say..."Man o man...what a freakin' nightmare that was!"
Hopefully sooner than later...but...I thinks we got a way to go.

Anyways' pallies...I cracked myself up today...& I figured I tell youse why.

So, as soon as I got up this mornin'...I knew I had thins' to do.
A long list of errands.

As usual, I grabbed my Ear Buds.
Those "cordless headphone type thins"...for any of us over 50.
Haha...and headed out.

So, as I'm goin' 'bout my weekend duties...I gots my Dino croonin' in my ears.

Not really payin' to close of attention to what I'm actually listenin' to.
Just sailin' 'round with our pal.

Then, as I was wrappin' up my first job of the day...I my amazement...I had just been jammin' along to 'bout 30 minutes of Dino's "Winter Romance" al b um!

Just struck me funny that I've been waitin' & anticipatin' Spring for soooo long.
Waitin' to be able to crank up the Springtime tunes...& here I is floatin' 'round to Dean's Winter jams! Hahaha!!!

Hey, pals...just goes to show...Any Dino & ALL Dino is good ANY time & ALL the time!

Yea yea… I know...not very funny, Danny G..
Guess youse had to be there...but youse get the point.

Well, that's 'nough outta me.
Let's get back to the Springtime Serenadin'!

Yup...that could only mean one thin', pallies...I is jumpin' back to Dino's "French Style" al b um!
A Pure Pure work of art!

Get's me in that "April" kinda mood, my friends.
Youse too?
I bet it does! how's 'bout a wee bit o' "The Poor People of Paris"? I know...not my usual sort of Easter jam. But...I'm just in this crazy vibe right now. We need to let Dean get us smilin'. As he does, on this one, so easily.

Definitely one of Dean's funnest tunes.

Loves how he has to throw a reference to his bestest pal, the end.
Silly fella.

Well, mi amici...hope all is well.

Happy Easter!
Buona Pasqua!

Don't forget the reason for this great great season!

Stay home...Stay safe...& let's keep the Dino & the vino flowin'!


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