Thursday, March 12, 2020


Hey pallies, likes we wanna begins today's Dino-gram with the swankest of swankest shout out to our incredible ilovedinomartin Dino-bro Danny G. who week-in and week-out for a ton of years now  supremely shares his purest of pure passion for our Dino each and every first day of each new Dino-week through his fantatic feature, "Danny G's Sunday Serenade With Dino."

Our Danny-o's deepest of deep devotion to our Dino is ubberly unparalleled and we have been especially hugely heartened  by his uniquely unwaverin' Dino-faithfulness in those times when we ourselves have been sidelined from scribin' our own daily Dino-grams...most recently for over two months this time 'round.  We gotta tell youse pallies that as such Dino-times as these, it means everythin' to know that no matter what our Danny-o will keenly keep the Dino-light glowin' ever Dino-bright at our humble little ilovedinomartin pad.  From the bottom of our Dino-heart. thanks pallie Danny G. for your constant commitment to spreadin' Dino-adulation here at ilovedinomartin.

We were 'specially magnificently moved by Danny-o most recent postin' on last Sunday's Dino-serenade (March 8, 2020) as Danny G. sought to offer all us Dino-holics the complete comfort that only our Dino can offer durin' this very tryin' time in all of history.

As only Danny-o can sez it....

"I is hopin' & prayin' ...everythin' will eventually get back to normal, mi amici.

Then we can all get back to livin' & lovin'...likes all us devoted Dino-holics were born to do!

So, pallies...I'm thinkin'...this week...we ALL could use some upliftin' & positive croonin', from our main dude, Dino.

A happy Serenade...that will lift us waaayyyy up high!

Take us away...just for a moment...from all this craziness.

Keep us focused on the good stuff, pals."

And, of course, once 'gain, our Danny G. shared the purely perfect Dino-croon just when we needed it most.

Our Danny-o's wonderfully wise work of supremely scribin' perfect prose with the powerful pairin' of just the right Dino-croon Dino-week by Dino-week is truly a great great gift for all us who have been welcomed into our Dino's wonderful world and crave this Dino-nourishment to continue to be fully filled with the happiness that only our Dino lays on us Dino-holics.

Likes to our way of Dino-thinkin', our Danny G. is sharin'  the deepest of deep Dino-therapy for all us
Dino-adulators helpin' us grow deeper and deeper in our most beloved Dino.  We were led to type the words Dean Martin and therapy into the ol' google search engine and we found this grooviest of groovy graphic below that perfectly proclaims the Dino-truth:  I DON'T NEED THERAPY, I JUST NEED TO LISTEN TO DEAN MARTIN.


We Remain,

Yours In Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

I don't need therapy I just need to listen to Dean Martin Dean Martin, Therapy, Comic Books, Baseball Cards, Comics, Cover, Italy, Italia, Comic Book


  1. Pal o' words have never been spoken...'bout me , anyway! Haha!! Thank youse for showin' & speakin' your unnecessary appreciato. As I've always's TRULY my honor & pleasure to do some simple scribins' 'bout our one & ONLY, Dino...each & every week. I truly enjoy it & respect the privelage of sharin' what has been taught to me, over the years. Dino has & always will be the guy whose got me through many rough times & kept the fun swingin', durin' the good ones. As long as I am welcomed...& able...I will continue spreadin' the Dino-message! Grazie, mi amico!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, youse are simply the Dino-best! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our almighty amazin' astoundin' awesome DINO!

  3. There is no question next to DMP no person has done more to keep the Dean Martin flame lit and bright than Danny G. Ever since I stumbled in here, week after week one thing I could count on to start the week off rite is to see what Dean Martin song will lead us forward. And of course some very witty banter to go along with it. Thank you so much for your tireless hard work my friend that helps bring a smile to everyone that comes here.

    Have a nice week.

