Sunday, March 15, 2020

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Mimi"

Hey pals!

Whatd'ya say?

Hangin' in there?

We got this, mi amici.

No virus is gonna hold us down!

We are Dino-fied & we can conquer anythin' that comes our way!

We know ALL 'bout the power of music, right, pallies?
Dino's music especially.

It gives me positive vibes that remind is GOOD!
No matter is good.

Now, friends o' mine...this time of year...more than any our time to shine!

Only 4 more, short days, 'til Spring!

I can hardly believe it!

The long cold Winter is finally movin' onward.
Wasn't bad though.
Mild, actually.
But either way...Danny G. has had 'nough!

It's time for bluer skies...longer days...& Springy Dino-melodies flowin' through my open windows.

Watch, pals!
When youse leasts expects it...birds gonna start buildin' their will start poppin' up....& grasses will get green 'gain!

Man o man...what a cool cool time of year, my friends.

So, mi amici di Dino...let's get an early jump on this swingin' little Season!

Now, palsies o' per the Springtime usual...I likes to reach for my own personal "go to" Springtime Dino-al b um..."French Style".

It is simply & wonderfully packed with that cool cool Dino vibe...that just screams Spring!

Gentle...bouncy, tunes.
Has a soft...light & breezy air 'bout it.
Don't youse think, pals?
I knew you'd 'gree.

Today's Serenade..."Mimi" just what we all need, pallies.

It's sure to calm us all down...refresh our worryin' souls...& remind us to enjoy life.

We WILL conquer this damn thin', my friends!

Be careful.
Be smart.
And DEF I NATE LY keep that Dino-spirit shinin'!

Happy Spring!!!

1 comment:

  1. Can you believe that spring is upon us, I can't! It seems with so much negativity going on in the world this week we have spring to loom forward too as well as Dean Martin to being everything back down to earth. Despite people panicking and endless bad news it seems in the media we all need just to sit back and chill, too Dean Martin of course. With a dreaded dentist visit Wednesday this week I know I need Dean more than ever. :-) A great upbeat selection this week Danny G., this is one sure way to bring a smile to ones face!

    Have a great week.

