Monday, November 18, 2019

Yesterday In Dino-history: November 17, 1951

Hey pallies, likes yesterday was one of the happiest of happy days...indeed, if not the happiest day in all of Dino-history 'cause 68 years ago this very day, on November 17, 1951, our most beloved Dino's most beloved boypallie, Dino Martin Jr. was born to proud daddy-o Dino and mother Jeanne.   Likes thinks of the powerfully pure pride our potently  powerful Dino had in namin' his first child by Jeanne after himself. Likes thinks of the  hopes, the dreams our great man had for his little boypallie by givin' his new son his gloriously great name!

And, indeed our Dino's boypallie namesake certainly did live up to the takin' of his amazin' Daddy-o's tag...becomin' a hugely successful entertainer himself while just in his teens as part of the swingin' pop trio Dino, Desi, and Billy.

Dino Jr. went on to acclaim as a tennis pro and football player, and found fame and fortune as an actor on both the small and big screens. And our Dino's golden boy also was gloriously  golden when it came to bein' a pilot of jet airplanes.

Likes Dino Jr. had only one real pressin' problemo...he was so marvelously multi-talented likes his famous father, that he just couldn't decide which of his many interests to put the major accent of his life on.

One thin' for sure pallies, Dino Jr. was definitely  heir apparent to the Dino-throne. And, of course all of that came to a crashin' end when Dino Jr. tragically crashed his National Guard F-4 Phantom fighter jet in California's San Bernardino Mountains during a snowstorm on March 21, 1987.

Today we celebrate this happiest of happy days in our Dino's life as we reverently remember and hugely honor Dino Jr. on the 68th anniversary of his entry into family Martin. But, in the midst of our celebratin' we can't help but be so so sad as well as we know that the end of the Dino Jr. story turned out to break our lovin' Dino's lovin' heart as he never ever got over the death of his beloved namesake.

We Remain,

Yours In Dino,

Dino Martin Peters


  1. A very happy day in Dean Martin history DMP, the birth of Dino Martin Jr. It's hard to believe it was so many years ago, time marches forward. A wonderful collection of photographs as well and such a nice tribute for his birthday! Very nice work as always.

    Have a great week.


  2. Hey pallie, likes Scotty-o, thanks for more perfect patter in honor of the anniversary of our most beloved Dino's most beloved namesake boypallie, Dino Jr. Keeps lovin' our awesome amazin' altogether DINO!
