Friday, November 08, 2019

On This Day In Dino-history: November 7, 1955

Pallies, likes sorry this is a late Dino-postin', but likes yester-Dino-day the ol' net was out of order in our part of the Dino-universe.

We Remain,

Yours In Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

Hey pallies, likes STOP THE PRESSES!!!!!  Today is yet  'nother delightful day in all of Dino history for it  was on November 7 in the year of our Dino 1955 that that wacky wonderful Martin & Lewis big screen caper "Artists And Models" premiered, which we delightfully discovered when we lovin'ly landed at bodacious blog pad, "GABORS GALORE,"

The beau-ti-ful blog "GABORS GALORE - All Things Gabor" is dedicated to "The Gabor sisters, Eva, Zsa Zsa, and Magda,  along with their mother, Jolie, we’re Hungarian -American celebrities and socialites known as much for their many marriages as for their careers."  Miss Eva was fabulously featured in "Artists And Models" as "the seductress spy."

Long time pallies at ilovedinomartin will perhaps remember that hands down, "Artists And Models" is our most fav of fav Martin and Lewis silver screen effort, in fact we likes to refer to it as "an almost perfect movie."  So this praiseworthy post brings us much delight to celebrate the day the flick was put into general release 64 years 'go this very Dino-day!  With a little bit of powerful patter and two swank shots of our most beloved Dino with Miss Eva, what's not to like.

We thanks the pallies at "GABORS GALORE" for puttin' us on to yet 'nother dreamy date in the life, times, and teachin's of our Dino.  To checks this out in it's original source, likes simply clicks on the tag of this particular Dino-post.  And, for your Dino-viewin' pleasure we include an original movie trailer.  Likes if youse goes to youtube you will find a ton of great vid moments from the fabulous flick as well.

We Remain,

Yours In Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

OTD – Artists and Models Premieres

On November 7, 1955, the Jerry Lewis and Dean Martin film, Artists and Models, premiered.  The film also starts Shirley MacLaine and Dorothy Malone.
The story revolves around a struggling painter (Martin) and his comic-book addict of a roommate who talks in his sleep (Lewis).  Martin’s character ends up writing a comic based on the stories that Lewis tells in his sleep.  Unfortunately, the stories include part of a secret formula our government has and that other governments want.  Eva Gabor plays the seductress spy sent to obtain the rest of the secret formula.
In the end, good prevails, Eva’s character is left tail up in a large flower pot, and Lewis and Martin get their girls (MacLaine and Malone).
The love story between the leads is predictable, but entertaining.  Lewis and MacLaine share a quirky dance on the stairs outside their apartment building.  The choreography is fresh and fun.  Lewis’s physical comedy is top rate. Martin sings several numbers in the film.  What a smooth voice he had.
I absolutely loved Edith Head’s costuming of this film, with the “bat girl” costume being my favorite.  Eva wears a beautiful blue dress when her character attempts to seduce Martin and Lewis.
She even gets a turn in the “bat girl” costume when her character kidnaps, then slips a mickey to Lewis’s character.
This is a fun film, with a solid cast.  You can find the film in the usual places, but it is not available via Amazon Prime at the time of this post.  Shop around for the bargain deal.

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